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doug-doug the mighty's picture
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I have an old DOS game that is a text based adventure. The games title is 'ADVENTURE - 1' and the author is unknown. I have had this since I first played it on a new 8088, back in the day...

Any ways, the game has a few settings and you give simple commands, GO EAST, CLIMB TREE, TAKE KEYS, GO DOWN, CHOP TREE, GO STUMP, TAKE MUD, etc.

I have been struggling for quite some time on two problems.

1. How do I get past the bear with out feeding him the *ROYAL HONEY* (thus loosing a treasure)? Scanning the compiled code, gives some clues (from text messages that are fed back in the game) that the bear can be startled. Dropping bees near the bear only pisses him off, causing your death. Throwing the axe causes him to doge and the *MAGIC MIRROR* gets destroyed (thus loosing a treasure). I need to get by him to get the mirror and the *GOLDEN CROWN*.

2. How do you move the *SMALL STATUE OF A BLUE OXE*? When you first encounter him in the quicksand bog, you can use the axe to make him disappear (with the axe) to the "S PLACE", but once there, it appears immovable. I need to get it over to the stump to log it as a treasure, but "It is beyond my power to do that". Any ideas, cause I have tried evrything I can think of here...

Any help is greatly appreciated, I can complete all other parts of the game but these two pieces.


doug-doug the mighty's picture
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1. How do I get past the bear with out feeding him the *ROYAL HONEY* (thus loosing a treasure)? Scanning the compiled code, gives some clues (from text messages that are fed back in the game) that the bear can be startled. Dropping bees near the bear only pisses him off, causing your death. Throwing the axe causes him to doge and the *MAGIC MIRROR* gets destroyed (thus loosing a treasure). I need to get by him to get the mirror and the *GOLDEN CROWN*.

I remebered that I had solved this one before but could not remember how. I found a partial word inthe source code and it was "YEL", so I went and "YELL"ed at the bear, which caused him to become starled and fall, I then collected the treasures and now have 12 of the thirteen.


Now for the oxe...

BDub's picture
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The Craft Of Adventure

You mention that you can't recall who wrote Adventure. I thought I'd point you at Graham Nelsons excellent series of essays, "The Craft Of Adventure", specifically part two, "In The Beginning".

It's one of the best histories of Adventure that I've read. I do apologize for slow load of that page, but it was the only copy I could quickly Google that wasn't hideously formatted.


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interesting, but I did not find mention of my specific game in there, nor insight on how to solve it. I will try to see if I can upload it as a file so others can try it too.

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Re: interesting...

interesting, but I did not find mention of my specific game in there, nor insight on how to solve it. I will try to see if I can upload it as a file so others can try it too.

Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to imply that your solution was in there. It's just that "ADVENT" is traditionally the name for "Adventure", and since you mentioned that you didn't recall who wrote it I thought you may be interested.

Silly language, it allows for far too many interpetations.


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Re: interesting...

interesting, but I did not find mention of my specific game in there, nor insight on how to solve it. I will try to see if I can upload it as a file so others can try it too.

Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to imply that your solution was in there. It's just that "ADVENT" is traditionally the name for "Adventure", and since you mentioned that you didn't recall who wrote it I thought you may be interested.

Silly language, it allows for far too many interpetations.


And it just occurred to me that you're actually playing Scott Adam's "Adventureland". Sorry, my mistake. No wonder I didn't recognize the puzzles!

doug-doug the mighty's picture
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Scott Adam's "Adventureland" is indeed the game (based on the what I read here. The Chigger bites, the maz of pits, the meadow, all of it.

Now, to get that OXE...

EDIT: found this on another site..

In 1978, Scott Adams wrote Adventureland, which was loosely patterned after the original Advent. He took out a small ad in a computer magazine in order to promote and sell Adventureland, thus creating the first commercial adventure game. In 1979 he founded Adventure International, the first commercial publisher of interactive fiction. The company went bankrupt in 1985.

My game is called ADVENT.EXE. I think that is the difference.

More digging to do...

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or maybe not...

The more I dig, the more it looks like it is Adventureland...

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Confirmed! ...and I foun


...and I found the source code.


doug-doug the mighty's picture
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Variant maybe??

I think this may be a variant of the original or a pirated version. While the game looks and flows like what is described in the source code I found on the net, there is no text in my version that includes mention of Adams or anything like that. The online code mentions Adams by name, my version does not. I also see nothing in the net's source code to preclude me from getting the OX, but practice in the game proves this is not so straight forward.

Still need help...

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