Swapping G4/G3 iBook Screens

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Swapping G4/G3 iBook Screens

I recently managed to crack my 12 inch G4 ibooks LCD display and after much deliberation and hefty repair cost from apple decided to replace it myself.

Although there are a large number of ibook screens for sale on ebay very few seem to be for a G4 ibook, is it possible to replace the the G4 screen with one from the relitively new white G3 ibook.

If so can the new screen be fitted without removing it from its exterior casing e.g. is the hinge fixing/mechanism the same. Secondly i have another G4 ibook with which has a damaged soundcard, what sound is outputted from the speakers is merly interferance which even still is few and far between. I have a farely good technical knowledge and have stripped the machine down to see if there was any visible damage (which there is'nt). Is the sound replaceable or do i require a new motherboard.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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LCDs are interchangable . . .

between the G3 and G4 series 12" iBooks, as well as with the 12" PowerBooks, all use a 12.1" XGA LCD. Search eBay for this exact bolded string- (ltn121x*,lp121x*)

It's much easier to replace just the LCD than the entire display-with-housing. In fact it's remarkable how easy it is, in stark contrast to what a PITA it is to replace most anything else in the bloody thing.

dan k

Last seen: 18 years 11 months ago
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i thought the 12" pb had a 12

i thought the 12" pb had a 12.2" display? i may be wrong.

dankephoto's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
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re: i thought the 12" pb had a 12.2" . . .

PowerBooks use the same LCD formfactor and interface as the iBooks, I've got multiple examples right in front of me (mostly smashed, but hey!) Blum 3

dan k

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iBook G4

Heh, I spend all my days working on 12" iBook G4's and 15" PowerBook G4's. Fun stuff. I've come up with creative ways of fixing the broken keyboards in an effort to help keep my parts usage in check. What I find really amusing is that the parts that are a booger to replace on the iBook are dead simple on the 15" aluminum PowerBook G4, but what's easy to replace on the iBook is hard on the PowerBook. DC-in board anyone?


Last seen: 19 years 1 month ago
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Logic Board

Thanks for all your help I've managed to get a ibook G3 screen of ebay. The sound issue is still bugging and i really want to get it fixed.

Will i require a new logic board or is the sound card separate? i was thinking about the possibility of using some sort of usb audio interface if the repair is beyond my ability. The internet dosen't seem to shed any light on the subject.

Any suggestions

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iBook G4 audio

The audio chipset on the iBook is integrated into the logic board. A USB solution should do the trick. If you can pick up, say a set of cube speakers, you're in the clear.


Last seen: 19 years 9 months ago
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so played

ok here is what happened to me... i bought a 12" powerbook about a year ago. days of carying it around the city caused it to not turn on anymore so i took it to the genius' and they said that it would be 900 to fix somehting about hairline fracture in the motherboard. so i ordered a 12" ibook. i got it in the mail yesterday it took a minor spill at my work today and now the right wont accept disks and the bottom right corner of the lcd is cracked. pretty sure warranty is not going to help me. any ideas? how easy is it to try to swap from my powerbook screen to ibook. i think my casing might need to be adjusted cause i have to move over a cm to get it to close.

Last seen: 18 years 5 months ago
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Maybe you should look for a book entitled something similar to "Proper Treatment of Computers for Dummies".

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