New here, and need urgent help with system 7.x.x

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Last seen: 19 years 6 months ago
Joined: Jun 13 2005 - 17:03
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New here, and need urgent help with system 7.x.x


I'm new here and I need to install an OS on a Powerbook 5300c. It has already has 7.6.1 installed but thats corrupt as hell, and I need a new one. I have tried the free version of 7.5.3 but it doesn't work, henceforth I need help/guidance. Even If its just a floppy disk to boot from so I can format the hard drive...I cant use a CDROM (laptop doesn't have one). I'm actually not too bothered which OS goes on there, as long as it works...



Last seen: 19 years 2 months ago
Joined: Aug 15 2004 - 19:24
Posts: 359
OS 7 Stuff


How does the corruptness of 7.6.1 manifest itself? What exactly is wrong with it. With no CD it's going to be easier to fix the installed system -- if you can -- then install a new one. Do you have any other Macs?

Last seen: 19 years 6 months ago
Joined: Jun 13 2005 - 17:03
Posts: 2
OS 6.0.8 maybe?

Thanks for the reply!

Basically the guy who owned it before I did stored all the important stuff on an external hard drive, then unplugged it and stuck it on eBay.
Which means, no Open Transport, (and consequently, no TCP/IP, no Ethernet, no PPP, no Remote Access, well, you get the picure.) Yes, I have a Mac Mini (OS X and OS 9, sorta, and a floppy disk drive). I thought maybe I could boot the PowerBook into a very basic version of OS 6.0.8, then use that to download another OS via dial-up (shudder). Or does the PB not support system 6? I have tried installing Open Transport, but when prompted to insert disk 2, i'm told the wrong disk was inserted, so I also attributed this to an OS fault...

Last seen: 19 years 2 months ago
Joined: Aug 15 2004 - 19:24
Posts: 359
No 6


From what I understand only the PB100 will run a variant of SSW 6. (I don't consider the Portable a laptop.) Anyway, go here:

And you can pickup some of that software. Apple has a vintage software page but I have a vintage restore CD so I never remember where the site is. Someone here will be happy to post it if they see your post. On that Mac, I'd stay with 7.6.1 but that's just my opinion.

Last seen: 19 years 2 months ago
Joined: Aug 15 2004 - 19:24
Posts: 359
here you go

vintage software from apple

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Posts: 24
7.6.1 "corruption"

First and foremost, does the PB actually boot and give you a functioning Finder? If so, you need to click on the "apple" icon at the top left and hold the mouse button down, move down to "extensions manager" it it's there, or "control panels" if it's not, and let go of the mouse. The extensions manager control panel will open, or it if wasn't on the menu, find the icon and double-click it.

You will get a list of extensions -- all of the ones available on your computer. Check the ones you want, uncheck what you don't want, and reboot.

If they are actually not present, you need to download from the apple web page, but be aware that OS 7.6x is NOT free, they still sell it.

OS 8.x will run fine on that PB, so you may want to poke around on eBay and pick a disk up cheap. Make sure it's the universal installation one, there are a few for specific computers that won't run a 5300.

You can also boot into SCSI mode if you have a docking cable and your mini has SCSI (unlikely, alas).

If it won't boot at all, you have a problem that can only be solved by finding system 7.6.1 on floppies -- I'd look on Ebay, such things pop up from time to time. 7.5, 7.5.3, and 7.5.5 will work as well so long as you delete the old system folder prior to installation.


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You could download the separa

You could download the separate floppy disk image files if you have access to a net-connected machine with a floppy. If it's a PC you'll need the free Mac disk utility thingamybob from these guys

Last seen: 18 years 10 months ago
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What I Would Do If I Were In Your Shoes

If I were in your shoes, this is what I would do:

I would network the 5300 to another Mac and do a net install of the System software. This is much better and faster than installing from floppy (Ghasp!).

What you'll need is the Network Boot disk, which you can download from Apple.

Piece of pie...

Actually, this is how I installed Mac OS 8 on several of my machines. I opted for a network install to save time and effort.

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more info

on my Network Access Disk (NAD) page, including details on how to mod later boot disks with the NAD components.

dan k

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