Does anyone know of antennas that can be easily hooked up to and ibook,
ie: usb, firewire. My internal antenna still works but I need more power for outdoor use.
Ive read about making one but they all connect through pig-tails. Im at stand still ,
Ive been debating on whether ornot to use a staionary wifi router and making it mobile or purse normal
alternative ibook antennas
June 11, 2005 - 3:51pm
alternative ibook antennas
Using a USB WiFi dongle will be the easiest way, and will not risk damage to the iBook. Would you rather try to hack up a pigtail the the built-in Airport, and risk killing the $1k iBook, or hack on a $40 or less USB dongle?
I know the risk I'd take. Plus, unless you are good at building the pigtail, it'll lose any performance gains from the external antenna.
Get a better antenna for your base station.