Swap-meet -- Florida

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doug-doug the mighty's picture
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Swap-meet -- Florida

I have been trying to get a swap-meet set up for a little while. So far I have katmac and MacTrash_1 (aka 'Krow Magnum') as tentative participants. If anyone else is out there who is up for this, post your location and a time frame on when is good for you.

Between the three of us, I think we are looking for an upcoming Saturday somewhere near Kissimmee -- exact details yet to be hammered out.


MacTrash_1's picture
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Swap-meet -- Florida

Sounds great. It would be cool if we could do this anually and get more Mac people invovled. I've only been in Florida for a couple of years and don't know many Mac users in the area.

I can post an add on the LEM Swaplist for more locals. I know of 3 or 4 more Mac guys around Orlando I met on the swaplist. I met KatMac through the Swaplist and have traded/bought/sold several things with him. A true Mac lover ! just look at the pic of his Mac-filled van posted in his gallery.


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Posting a message like that t

Posting a message like that to the LEM swaplist would probably be a good way to get banned. They have been pretty trigger happy on the banning and suspending lately. All traffic on the list is supposed to be about buying, selling, and swapping of mac stuff. I am not sure posting an ad for a real life swap meet qualifies. I know that this is technically mac related, but I am not sure it would fly. Of course, I am probably wrong. Wink

Just to be safe..you might want to email the list mom to see if it is kosher before firing it off to the whole list. Just some friendly advice. Smile I wish I could join you guys, but I am stuck here in the snow.

doug-doug the mighty's picture
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My trade fodder...


It is a work in progress, but this is a list of what I have, want, and need. I pull discards from a local school and they are nearing time to discard, so I expect to get some complete, working systems in the next four weeks. Most all of these will go straight to trade. I will update the above url as the list changes.

Any one got a good idea of when they want to meet?

doug-doug the mighty's picture
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A location?

Okay, we picked up one guy from Gainesville, myself from Jax, another from St Augustine, and a few from O-Town/Kissimmee.

Sounds like the best thing to do is meet in O-Town.

I will leave it to those guys to pick an easy to find location - my default choice is the parking lot at downtown Disney near the McDonald's. But I do not know the area much better than that.

The attendees so far are:
and a few guys MacTrash_1 alludded to in an above post.

What I want to know now is when is a good time for everyone.

For me, it would need to be a weekend. Saturdays are best, around noon. This should be free for most and provide sufficient travel time to the drivers (O-Town is some 2 hours for me).

Check my autosig for a link to my fodder.

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Dates and locations

It would seem that the Sanford/Deland area, near I-4 and 46 or 44, would avoid the disney area traffic and be about the same distance for everyone. But I don't have any specific site in mind.

The dates are more difficult for me. Looking at my calendar I seem to have family committments just about every Saturday. No good ideas on this one either.

If we can work something out, I'm willing to offer a free SE to everyone who shows up!

MacTrash_1's picture
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Re: Dates and locations

It would seem that the Sanford/Deland area, near I-4 and 46 or 44, would avoid the disney area traffic and be about the same distance for everyone. But I don't have any specific site in mind.

The dates are more difficult for me. Looking at my calendar I seem to have family committments just about every Saturday. No good ideas on this one either.

If we can work something out, I'm willing to offer a free SE to everyone who shows up!

Definately avoid the Disneyville area ! That sounds good to me.

My schedule is pretty good for any time so whatever day works for the most people will be ok me. That's a generous offer on the SE's too !

doug-doug the mighty's picture
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I like the location, we can get specific later.

I think a Saturday in the first two weeks of June will work. That is far enough out that I can find a babysitter (read as "a day at the grandparents") that most of us may be able to swing something. Let's say June 4th with a backup date of the 11th.

I will come down with astro_rob and a van full 'o misc debris. Maybe some PowerMacs too...

doug-doug the mighty's picture
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Anybody got a problem with the dates?

What about a final on the location.

I have not heard from anybody to know where exactly the final meeting place is to be. I do not know that area and need someone from down there to make a final decision on that, otherwise, I may wind up at Downtown Disney since I know where that is.

MacTrash_1's picture
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Re: Dates...

I like the location, we can get specific later.

I think a Saturday in the first two weeks of June will work. That is far enough out that I can find a babysitter (read as "a day at the grandparents") that most of us may be able to swing something. Let's say June 4th with a backup date of the 11th.

I will come down with astro_rob and a van full 'o misc debris. Maybe some PowerMacs too...

Sounds good to me. I'm not too familiar with Disneyville either, hopefully someone can come up with a good spot that I can find too.

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Right at the junction of I-4 and 46 is a place called "Seminole Towne Center" which I think is a large mall. It is just north of where 417 merges into I-4. There's also Lake Monroe Park a couple of miles north of there on 17-92, where we could have a picnic.

Unfortunately, June 4 is definitely out for me. June 11 is possible but not really convenient. How about June 18, or even Memorial Day, Monday May 30?

doug-doug the mighty's picture
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Monroe Park it is. May 30

Monroe Park it is.

May 30 is too early, plus I have some PowerMacs coming after that that i was going to bring. I don't think I can do June 18 (Def Leppard concert that weekend).

Let's call it June 11th, or pick a later day.

astro_rob's picture
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June 4th or 11th

It has to be one of those two dates for me, as my family reunion is being held in Keystone Heights on the 18th; like to invite you guys to that, but think the family would have a hard time...

doug-doug the mighty's picture
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Re: Monroe Park it is.May 30

Monroe Park it is.

May 30 is too early, plus I have some PowerMacs coming after that that i was going to bring. I don't think I can do June 18 (Def Leppard concert that weekend).

Let's call it June 11th, or pick a later day.

So far, the only confirmed attendees are astro_rob and myself and we do not want to make a three hour drive for nothing.

[i][u]Please reply to this thread if you can confirm you will be there.[/i][/u]

I also need a poll on who is insterested in a G3 upgraded PowerMac (6x00 through 9x00). I can pick these up for about $50/unit, but cash is tight and this will require me to make an extra trip to pick them up.

MacTrash_1's picture
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I can be there....just name the day and palce.

I have a beige G3 tower or desktop I'll be bringing if your interested for the project from the thread about the 120GB HDD.

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confimation, wants

I'll definitely be there (June 11, Lake Monroe Park, about noon).

There's no way I can bring all the surplus mac stuff I have, so if you are looking for something specific, be sure to let me know. I'll bring some SE's to give away, and I think one of you previously asked for an SE ethernet adapter. I've also got popular parts such as ethernet for various Macs, PRAM batteries, and video adapters.

What I am looking for are StyleWriters (II, 1200, 1500, 2400, or 2500), 56 and 33 modems, Grolier Encyclopedia CD's, and a Radius pivot adapter part number 590-0073-01.

email bkatt at cfl dot rr dot com

doug-doug the mighty's picture
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wants and needs...

http://www.applefritter.com/node/5359 has a list of what I want/need.

I hav an oppourtunity to pick up several AIO, LC580 and PowerMac towers, but I need to get an idea of how many, 'cuz there is too much to get it all.

Other wise, I plan to bring a pair of taken-apart laptops, some eMates (needing new screens/batteries), a IIsi, a StyleWriter M8000, and a few other odds and ends (memory that I cannot identify but suspect goes to something from the LC family, and pretty much everything listed as trade fodder on my blog.

astro_rob and I will be coming in from Jax, St A, so it will take us a while. I plan on us getting there by noon, so wait if we are late.

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Is this still coming off? I've been looking for a laptop (Lombard/Wallstreet/Pismo) for my S.O., and I'm in Lake City. Sat is good for me.

doug-doug the mighty's picture
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Re: confirmation

Is this still coming off? I've been looking for a laptop (Lombard/Wallstreet/Pismo) for my S.O., and I'm in Lake City. Sat is good for me.

Yep. Monroe Park, June 11th, around noon.

doug-doug the mighty's picture
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Moroe Park

I was planning my route via mapquest and there is some ambiguity around the parks in that area.

I am thinking the one we want is the Monroe Park in Volusia Cty that is boxed in by 17-92 and Old Deland Rd. Let me know if this is not right. I was hoping to get a physical address for the park to get good driving directions.

I will be in a red Chevy van. I trust someone with a shorter drive will have already staked out some territory.

astro_rob's picture
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Swamp Meet?

How many are we looking at for this? I know that there will be weather. Already have the machines ready (some 68k/PPC desktops, parts).

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If you go to mapquest and type Valdez, FL, then zoom in about 3 steps you will see Lake Monroe Park between 17 92 and Old Deland Road, so I think we are talking about the same place. My mapquest does not show a "Volusia City".

You basically take the Sanford exit from I-4, follow signs to 17 92, and when you get there the zoo will be to the east on 17 92 and the park will be to the west, across a bridge.

I'll be in a green Aerostar van, and my cell is 321-298-0621.

doug-doug the mighty's picture
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that is where I meant. And that is Volusia county (cty).

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We're Ready Here

Not that I'm taking that much now (a 6100/66DOS, a Quadra 605, some odds and ends). Looking forward to the meet!

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We've already had a tornado warning at my house this morning, and the whole area including Volusia is under tornado watch today. I'd be the last one to say cancel for a few raindrops, but the radar is showing a huge storm band off Palm Beach heading our way. I really hate driving in heavy rain, which is very dangerous.

At this point I have to vote for either cancel, or delay to say around 4 p.m. What do you think?

[edit] nobody responded so I guess they must be on their way. I'll try to get there but it will be a little late.

doug-doug the mighty's picture
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Swap meet follow up.

for those that missed it, here's what happened:

myself, astro-rob, and katmac braved the weather for the drive and enjoyed sunny weather at the park.

traded were the following:

  • a couple SE (FDHD)'s (one with a ethernet card)
  • a 6100/60 (with DOS card and cables
  • a SCSI caddy loading CD with about 28 caddies
  • several PRAM batteries
  • a PCI network card
  • a StyleWriter 2500
  • monitor dongle for an ice iBook
  • a complete IIc
  • something that we think was a cache chip for a 6100 and more

Also up on the block, but not traded,:

  • a 8600 (with USB and a G3 upgrade
  • several 10 BaseT hubs (24 ports each)
  • a few Epson 850 network printers
  • tons of network cards
  • tons of 4MB chips forolder Macs (30 pin, 72 pin, ...)
  • more cables than you can imagine
  • eMate batteries
  • and more crap than I can begin to describe...

Mark your calenders, we are planning to try this again in October, same place...

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