There's Something Sqwewy Going On here...

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Last seen: 19 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Jan 22 2005 - 20:20
Posts: 595
There's Something Sqwewy Going On here...

I got my PM9500 working but cannot get the dang thing to connect to the Internet. It's setup just like every other Mac that I have but for some reason this 9500 is a total piece of crap.

Configuring TCP/IP via a DHCP server yields some God forsaken IP address from lord knows where and the stupid machine freezes briefly everytime I try to do something...


This 9500 gets a subnet mask and IP address from somewhere that is... I think the 9500 is just making crap up and assigning itself arbitrary addresses...

I swear to god, the PM9500 has got to be the crappiest hunk of plastic and metal to have ever emerged from the bowels of Apple Computer. This computer is a total piece of junk!!!

Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: Apr 22 2004 - 15:37
Posts: 378
It almost sounds like....

a bad network cable. I have a cable that will do that at work. Try a different one.

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do you have a good 9500 you can compare it to to make sure that you don't have some variant or possible prototype? It is a long shot, but you never know... might be a few 'different' chips on the board somwhere.

Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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Which version of Mac OS and O

Which version of Mac OS and OT? The 9500 shipped with Mac OS 7.5.2 and some horrible version of OT 1.0.x. This combination gives horrible results when you try to use DHCP.


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Re: There's Something Sqwewy Going On here...

This 9500 gets a subnet mask and IP address from somewhere that is... I think the 9500 is just making crap up and assigning itself arbitrary addresses...

If the address it's "getting" starts with 169.254, then, yes, it's making it up.

(I know, it's a "windows" article, but MacOS' DHCP client does the same thing.)

If I had to guess, assuming the system isn't *broken*, you might be having compatibility problems with your ethernet hub/switch. Older Macs often have trouble with both full-duplex and multi-speed (10/100) switches.


Last seen: 19 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Jan 22 2005 - 20:20
Posts: 595
[quote]If the address it's "g

If the address it's "getting" starts with 169.254, then, yes, it's making it up.

That's exactly what it was producing some lame 169.254.xx.xx address.

It seems to be running rock solid right now. I'm not exactly sure what I did to get it working but I played with the extensions, zapped the PRAM multiple times, reset my router and switch (although, this particular Mac is not attached to a router; it's a direct connection to the ISP.) and swapped my ethernet cable from the built-in rj-45 port to the rj-45 port of a transceiver on the AAUI port. I don't know what did it, but something got it working... divine intervention? Possibly!

Anyway, it's working now. Which is amazing in and of itself, considering this particular Mac was totally dead just a couple of months ago.

If you want the details on this Mac, you can 'finger' it at or is also a network time server if you find you need one.

In the end, all is well with the PM9500 and it is dutifully serving up a website at or (the latter URL is temporary and will become inactive the next time my ISP switches my IP address.)

Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
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Posts: 49
sounds like the rj-45 port on

sounds like the rj-45 port on the board was bad. That would explain why it worked when you hooked up the AAUI adapter. They can short out with power surges through the line; I had this happen on an 8500 once.

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