Wow. I just talked to someone who knows more about Apple stuff than I, and he told me the reason copland wasn't booting (see my blog post) is because I have a 604e, which despite the name isn't at all like a 604 in architecture. Oops.
Anyway, I have a package containing some screenshots and the DDK release. I'm really interested in resurrecting this dead-end in Mac OS evolution
I'm going to try to find an 8100 (containing a 604 processor) and document the installation and running of Copland. If anyone is as interested in this as I, feel free to contact me
Whoops, didn't see the text at all at first.
That sounds interesting. Try to take pictures of it.
I was under the impression that Copland would only boot on 601 processors. I could be wrong about that. I do remember installing a build of Copland on a 6100/60 way back in the day when Copland was going to be "the next big thing." It was buggy as hell. Though it set Apple back a few years, I am glad that Mac OS became what it is today.
What is copland?The way its described here makes it sound like some vintage Operating System.Plz tell me.
It's amazing what that durned search engine will turn up:
Meh. I have an 8600 which has a 604e, and an 8100 with a dead power supply. The 8600 will get as far as 'Initializing microkernel' and die. I'll look for a functioning 8100 soon, but until then I'm stalled on this one. Sorry guys.
I tried it on a performa 5260 motherboard, and it just hung at Loading Copland Microkernel, saying something like "cannot find GDevice"
here's the shot:
As I previously noted, I believe copland will only boot on 601 processor machines. If I'm not mistaken, the 5260 is a 603e.
d7e1 will only boot on a 7100, 8100, or 9100. a 601. Copland D11E4 (the 'latest') will also boot on the respective 604 versions - see bottom, but NOT a 604e or a 603.
Also, Zydeco: congratulations getting to that step in the boot process.
/me rummages around for a working 8100 power supply at least. Grr.
From the D11E4 readme:
Hardware Supported:
NuBus-based Macintoshes: 6100/60, 6100/60AV (no AV functionality), 6100/66, 6100/66 AV (no AV functionality), 6100/66 DOS (no DOS fu
nctionality), 7100/66, 7100/66 AV (no AV functionality), 7100/80, 7100/80 AV (no AV functionality), 8100/80, 8100/100, 8100/100 AV (
no AV functionality), 8100/110
Nu-Bus-based Performas: 6110CD, 6112CD, 6115CD, 6117CD, 6118CD
PCI-based Macintoshes: 7200/70, 7200/90,7500/100, 8500/120, 9500/120, 9500/132
All Apple keyboards and mice are now supported!
FYI, 9500/132 and 9500/120 have a 604 (straight, not 604e)
Aha! Then I stand, partially, corrected.
The 8100 is a 601 not a 604
Well I suppose that'd be about right. Since the original [678]100 PowerPC's were 601s. Oops.
I'm still working on this, by the way. I just haven't had much time to found an [678]100 macintosh yet.
Where are you located? I will see if my friend still has his old 6100 lying around. If he does, and shipping won't cost a bundle, I'd be more then happy to ship out to you. Assuming he gives it to me anyway.
USA, Zip Code 87801
Can anybody sand me the Copland.. please?! I would like to try it on my macs.
And If anybody got the Be OS not the Prewiev release but funktional for macintosh...
..and If anyone want to have these programs
- Switcher
- Alice
- Speak
I would like to exchange them with these:
- mac demo disk from 1984
- VisiCalc for Apple II
ok.. greetings from slovenia
ah.. my mail is slomacuser (at) gmail (dot) com
Applefritter doesn't condone software piracy. There is no legal source for Copland. As for BeOS, you can purchase it at
nice i got the copland
"So before you hint your finger
Show your hands are clean"
Bob Marley
I got BeOS Pro 5.0.3 from Purplus. It works fine. The price in my view is very reasonable - about $25 shipped. Of course, $25 is $25 more than free, but it's pretty much in the range of shareware (albeit the upper end). And if you want to spend even less you can get BeOS 4.5 for a few dollars less.
Yeah, it is a pretty good deal. Not a terribly useful OS these days, especially the PPC version, but it is definately fun to throw onto an old Mac. And if you only use the machine for basic uses anyway, BeOS will smoke Mac OS in terms of performance.
Whatch this show of Computer Chronicles:
You can see a man showing copland on a mac
I *finally* got a handful of Power Mac 7100s. This should make the Copland project move a little further.
I now have a Power Mac 7100 successfully running Copland D11E4. The highlights include the boot up screen, opening a few windows, and it crashing (It crashes VERY well.).
I'll see about posting some pictures later. Also, I'll try to get it running Copland D7E1 (the previous version).