dead pismo

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Last seen: 18 years 11 months ago
Joined: May 10 2005 - 14:53
Posts: 2
dead pismo

I'd appreciate some help, please. I bought myself a 15" G4 powerbook a year ago to replace my G3 Pismo (which was working fine). Thus I've left my old machine untouched for months and it's obviously run right down and I can't get it up and running again. I heard that I should just plug it in for a few hours to recharge the PRAM battery and so I did, but it's still completely dead. (I'm sure that the AC adapter is delivering power to the machine.) Has anyone got any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

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Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 1899
be patient

Remove the main battery(s), plug in the power supply and leave it for a couple of days. I just went through the same issue, PB just needed to sit charging awhile longer to get right with the world once more.

If that doesn't work, come back and we'll offer up some more helpful advice. Smile

dan k

Last seen: 18 years 11 months ago
Joined: May 10 2005 - 14:53
Posts: 2
pismo alive and well

Thanks very much for such quick - and good - advice. It took about 26 hrs of being on charge - frequently interrupted by my enthusiasm to give it a try - but now we're up and running happily again.
And, opening the old Pismo which has gorgeously smooth hinges, it reminded me how crap the hinges are on my G4; very sticky and clunky. I've tried dribbling a drop of what we in the UK call WD40 onto the hinge spindles but to no avail... Have you come across this problem much on 15" powerbooks?
Really appreciate your help,

Last seen: 17 years 10 months ago
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pismo hinge lube

Not all lubes that work well in some situations work well in all. Graphite might work. I have a small container of graphite powder (pulverised pencil lead!) which was designed for aluminium (aluminum!) loft ladders. It works well. Try rubbing the side of a sharpened pencil lead on the exposed part of the hinges. No guarantees, but worth a try...

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Last seen: 4 years 2 days ago
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AiBook hinges

If your hinges are sticky and clunky, it sounds like you may have a hardware issue worthy of filing a warranty claim on. The hinges on my AiBook work fine. Smooth, yet firm.


Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
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Posts: 49
I just bought a "non-working"

I just bought a "non-working" pismo and the guy told me the motherboard was dead. I want to rule this topic out as the issue first though. What is the longest it should take before the computer responds to a press of the power key?

Last seen: 19 years 2 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2005 - 02:09
Posts: 1
dead pismo

after waiting for a week, I got a great posting off of powerbookmedic -
unplug your PRAM battery. plug in the power supply and try turning it on. if it works, the PRAM battery needs to be replaced.
you can find a great video of how to do this at other world computing. it's super easy.

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