Personal Mac Desires

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Last seen: 18 years 7 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 46
Personal Mac Desires

For the 6500:
-OrangePC DOS Compatibility PCI card (620,530) somthing better than a 486 not necessarily an OrangePC but they seem to be the most available.
-SonnetTech TempoTrio (but who wouldn't want a USB/FW/ATA combo card).
-SonnetTech Crescendo/L2 G3 (" " " " " G3 in their Power Mac).

For the 6100:
-The material and the skills to do an atx conversion that will allow me to turn this into a sexy linux box.

Last seen: 18 years 1 week ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 447
One old . . . one new . . .

Two of those are on my wish list also, except I want whichever NuBus DOS card it was that had an honest-to-goodness real life ISA slot on it.

The Trio card to move around, my 6360/Sonnet needs one and I'll DEFINITELY want Trio for the IIfPEx hack if I can get it to boot . . . :O . . . oooooh! . . .

. . . just thought of the third one, a G4 card that'll boot into X for IIfPExX! Biggrin


Perpetrator of the 68kMLA's text format impaired:
Peripherals Links Project(tm)
. . . and LinksProjectClassic(tm)

Last seen: 18 years 1 week ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 447
Bug Report!

T.O. GOTO p.s.- then read balance of report!

IIRC, it was not clear to me that I was posting a reply in WTB, the title and UI led me to believe this was a general "I wish" or "musings" discussion.

edit: bug report: the way I got here was just like any other thread in "recent" we have a similar situation at the barracks and I suggested filtering out the Trading Post Commercials in the "recent" view, they really clutter up the view and will likely end up being used like spam unless filtered out of "recent."

Suggestion: If you want to keep the same SOP in these "threads" as on AF1.5, which is very different than anywhere else in the forums, different UI cues might make some sense.

To mod: OOPS! sorry, feel free to delete both my posts!

Happy coincidence . . .worked out fine . . . still sorry I goofed! delete if desired, T.O.


p.s. I'm in the preview window now, there is absolutely no indication that I'm in the classifieds section and should not be posting this message. This would be one heckuva good place for some classifieds SOP reinforcement and a disclaimer! Wink

p.p.s. can you loop your subroutines (forums code got subroutines?) around the reply button and to require clicking on an "I agree to . . . " LegalSchmegleAssentAnnoyanceThingie(tm) = LSAAT(tm)? •••••


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