Hello Tom and folks. I know you're getting a lot of negative feedback about AF2 lately...*sigh*
Well I'm only here to make suggestions.
1. Please, put the smiles back in the "new post" page.
2. The "indent" when quoting someone can go so far as to push off my monitor. This can be worse for people with smaller screens.
There was a third which I forgot right now.
If its what I think it is change your view setting to flat expanded
im sure suggestions are always appreciated
yeah ... i would agree ... unless TO is wanting to keep the posting page simple ... in that case i would suggest a popup block of smilies/bbcode ... it wouldnt be too intrusive ... people would just need to click a link and that would open the window ... they could then choose their options from the window and the bbcode would be applied ...
hmm ... yeah that could be a problem ... i would suggest what g3head said!
i have found another small bug ... when quoting if you dont leave a blank line after the end quote tag, the next blank line you try to insert is not displayed ... strange
the wheel on the homepage, it needs more graphics on the homepage, it attracts people to the website. Would you like looking at a website that has just text?? Honestly now!
While the wheel looked good, I don't see a need to bring it back. The navigation as its set up now is pretty easy to use and common to every page. You're not going to get that with the wheel. What would be cool tho is a random image listed on the front page. Right now it does seem a little bare, but I'd rather have a little bare than load the pages up with ads
As for the text comment, yes plain text is boring, however the web isn't plain text, its formated. I'd rather see more well designed sites like slashdot, old versions of LEM (before they started loading the pages up with ads) or some of the better blogs than graphic heavy pages.
im working on the BBcode bar and smilies right now!!
Cool. I remebered the third thing: "recent posts" for a user does not show all posts, only topics.
yeah ... i noticed that
... ill look into it ...
BTW the BBcode bar is working ... the smilies are on their way ... but im having a few small problems with them at the moment
How about a cool background. Have a small piccie that repeats itself so it doesnt take long to load. That would be cool. I thought maybe little apples with af inside it, repeated all over the page as a watermark background
Adding some color wouldn't hurt, but I HATE repeating backgrounds. It makes sites look amateurish.
James M. Baker
Computer Nerd
My site
Calm Down buddie!! ooh yeah, the smileys are back!!
Bring Back The Clamshell
yup ive got them working again
Thanks tom. U r ace!!
Bring Back The Clamshell
:macos: :macos: :macos:
:mac: :mac: :mac:
Thanks Tom :coolmac:
Hello, this is just a tester of the new smileys!!
erm, Tom, they aint workin. Please sort it out
Bring Back The Clamshell
hmm ... they seem to be working fine for everyone else ...
heres something to try ... go to the reply page for this thread ...
do the bbcode buttons and smilies work :? ... if they dont try this ...
if they work for the second link then IM me ...
I just turned-off CSS. WOW! That really improves AF2. Everything is much neater and faster.
Neather link works, i.e. clicking on them doesn't give me a text smiley code in the comment box.
A looping background image isn't so bad if it's simple.
But simple as in, usually no more than 4x4 or 6x6.
For example, the background of http://www.mini-itx.com/ .
I agree. Backgrounds like that are fine, though not necessarily my cup of tea. I just think that repeating *images* look amateurish, not repeating *patterns*. There are exceptions to every rule, of course (for instance, the repeating apple on http://www.astheappleturns.com fits because of the layout), but as a general rule, I think they should be avoided.
I reckon that where it tells you how many people are online, it should also say who is online.
WARNING: mini-rant to follow . . .
. . . however, I intend it as dead-honest and purely constructive criticism of what has been a TREMENDOUS all-volunteer development project. IOW, no offence intended and an advance apology for any hurt feelings amongst the participants, I hope my bug-eradication efforts have been adequate proof of my good faith in this matter.
IOW, flame me at your own risk as I'm loaded for bear on this subject.
* an'my trigger finger is itchin' :ebc: *
However, well meaning rebuttals are invited and open discussion of this topic matter should be encouraged, IMHO.
-rant mode-
. . . I've TRIED to be positive in my comments to date, but it's about time to start re-assessing the impact the new layout is having on participation here. It AIN'T learning curve any more at this point, IMHO. We went from abysmal activity levels during the 2-forum public "beta" phase to almost no participation at all by comparison since the old forums were locked up.
If nobody else thinks the user interface is to blame, I'll clam up, but please implement a "notify in case of ANY forum activity" button/routine. I, for one, am getting really tired of wasting so much time checking AF2.0 only to find nothing posted here for a matter of weeks and days in most forums and days or mere HOURS in forums that used to update in terms of minutes or hours during lulls.
-/rant mode-
Ahem! . . .
. . . sorry about that . . . as a thoroughly addicted 'fritterite/habitual over-poster, I thought this needed to be said. If I'm bored and frustrated by posting activity levels and site display/navigation here in the 2.0 forums, I can't imagine what it must be like for some folks.
All of the above is IMHO, of course.
I agree. I used to be able to get my posts answered withing a few hours. It has now turned into days. Yawn!
yeah ... it seems very quiet of late
. . . to the left in the forums page views is the VERY FIRST thing that should go, IMHO. I don't know about anyone else, but I resent having up to 1/3 of any size window taken up by advertising anywhere else on the web, but wasting so many empty window pixels is an unforgiveable error in a forums layout. I understand and agree that it might be useful/necessary on the rest of the site in the long run, but I think the (low) .txt content density of the forums views is one of the things turning what was an active community into a ghost town. If advertising will wind up on the rest of the site at some point, I suggest it not be placed in the forums views. Dynamic content like forum replies shouldn't be diluted as it leads to hits for the rest of the site.
BTW, thanks for the support, but I'd rather you guys try to get the discussion moving forward by adding your own thoughts, rather than agreeing/lamenting the fact that posting rates are WAY DOWN. I'd very much like to read any reasoning behind opposing viewpoints on these issues.
Lets work together and get this place hopping again!
In my case posting frequency was severely cut down when the phone got shut off. To make a weird story short, we tried to switch local carriers, the new company never turned us on, and the old company turned us off. Hello limbo. We started paying the old company again, and got service back, but I haven't been online much at all recently. I think the forced break turned me onto other tasks, like working 6-7 days a week and spending long evenings with the in-laws. Each of which I would like to cut back down on... Which should restore my post frequency. ::)