Acer Wireless ADB KBD/Mouse auction . . .

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Acer Wireless ADB KBD/Mouse auction . . .

. . . hurry up and "buy them now" before my will power breaks down and I wind up snagging one of the 5 for myself!

unconscionably widescreen eBay URL

jt - an eBay addict once more! Blush

p.s. I know some smart@ . . . erm . . . 'lec is gonna complain that this post belongs in 68k Macs . . . =8-P . . . just be thankful I posted it on 'fritter at all an' I'll betcha dollars to doughnuts that 'stealth'll agree with me that these suckers DESERVE to be hooked up to 68kMLA/'fritterworthy hacks!

HEH! :ebc:

tmtomh's picture
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Whoa --- not so fast!!!

Some things to keep in mind:

(1) The seller has a Web site outside of eBay, where he's selling these same keyboards for only $12.95, and with shipping only $5. That's a total of $7 cheaper than his eBay auction. AND, according to the Web site, they've got more than 60 left:

(2) I've been offering these same KBs, brand new, for a few weeks now. I sold some here on 'fritter for $8 apiece. Now I'm offering them on LEM-Swap list for $10 apiece. Actual shipping is $6 or $7 to the 48 states, depending on exactly where you live. I might have one or two left that's not yet spoken for my LEM Swappers. If you want to get on the list for one, just PM me here.

(3) Special note to Color Classic and other Mac All-in-One users: you CANNOT use this keyboard with your Mac. Why? Because if you do, you won't be able to turn your Mac on!

These keyboards do NOT have a Power key, and almost all the color ADB all-in-one Macs require a keyboard Power key to turn on. The Power key turns on a Mac by momentarily shorting two wires on the ADB bus. Since the only wires for this keyboard are between the infrared receiver and the Mac, there can't be a power key on the keyboard. A hacker could make a power-on switch that connects to the IR receiver's ADB cord, but out of the box you can't use this KB with the all-in-one color Macs.

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got one for $7 last month

heh heh heh Biggrin

heh heh . . . heh . . . err, I haven't even tried it out yet, it went right into the pile o' stuff.

Blum 3

dan k

Last seen: 17 years 7 months ago
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CRIPES! How 'bout . . .

. . . a halfway decent piccie and a review then, . . . gents? Blum 3

jt ::)

sourapple's picture
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hmmm i want one of those for

hmmm i want one of those for my classic

tmtomh's picture
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Already did that

Piccies are in my Quadra 7100b writeup:

As for a review, here it is in brief:

- no Power key; it's a deal-breaker for color adb AIO macs but a pretty insignificant issue for all other Macs.

- keyswitches aren't the best quality ever manufactured, but the keys are large enough to type very nicely.

- option key uses that weird symbol (the one used in menus to indicate key-command equivalents for menu items), instead of reading, "Option".

- having the mouse pointer on one side and the mouse buttons on the other side is very nice when doing mouse-intensive tasks, but a PIA when doing actions that require one hand to be kept on the keyboard keys.

- mousing can be done with a good degree of precision, but could be a little faster (even at the fastest setting in the Mouse Control Panel -- though I do like my mousing very twitchy, so others may not be bothered by this).

- the KB comes with no driver, which means that both mouse buttons act like the single/left button. Maybe there's a driver for the second mouse button somewhere out there on the Web, but I haven't bothered to look for it.

- The infrared works surprisingly well, but it is a line-of-site technology, so the receiver needs to be in plain view.

- The keyboard is light and compact -- 100 times easier to stow when not in use than a full-size Apple KB, and easier to rearrange slightly on your desk while working.

- Color is a little lighter than pure black, and slightly darker than "Classic Powerbook Grey" -- this means it doesn't exactly match anything, but it goes nicely with everything.

- HACK ALERT: the receiver's ADB cable includes a second "branch." This branch is short and ends in a female ADB plug. It's meant as an ADB pass-through for Macs with only one ADB port, in case you want to hook up a tablet or a real mouse while using this keyboard. BUt this provides a great hack opportunity: hook up a mini momentary switch to pins 2 and 4 of this pass-through, and you've got a power switch that will enable this KB to be used with the Color Classic and other ADB AIO Macs -- something like this:

I've bought the switches at Ratty Shack for just a few scheckels. Just waiting unti I have the free time to wire one up.


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speaking of adb...

I Went to the apple store to try to buy an adb adapterr and only one of the people there knew what adb was.

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Yet another classic example of why Apple Stores SUCK!!!!!!

jt ::)

performaman's picture
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You could easily hack togethe

You could easily hack together a power adapter by ,IIRC, crossing the +5v and Power lines through a switch.

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Re: Acer Wireless ADB KBD/Mouse auction . . .

Hello All,

I like the keyboards I sell, I use one everyday... It goes good with my Walstreet and SE/30, and Duo's... I'm going to list some cheaper on eBay soon.


tmtomh's picture
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... for the heads-up on your newly posted auction for these kbs. For Macs that don't need the kb power key to turn on, these are indeed great space saving keyboards.

FYI folks, if you want one you should consider macsruscomputers' auctions, as I'm pretty much out of my stock of them -- I've got one going out to a buyer Monday, and then I've got only more left, and that one's already spoken for.

Not a plug for myself or macsrus (I have no affiliation with macsrus) -- just an info update.


Last seen: 17 years 7 months ago
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. . . to Canadian Comrades?

I hope so! Wink

If not, somebody needs to get a few of those HackerToys across the border.



p.s. If a *disposable (not to be returned)* dissection/review unit were to show up on my doorstep . . . * cough . . . email or pm for address . . . cough . . . hint . . . cough * . . . I could almost guarantee that an internal picture gallery for documentation and list of hack suggestions would automagically appear in MacHacks forums across the web *cough . . . at least TWO anyway . . . cough* . . .

. . . that might result in additional sales. :ebc:


HAR!® Acute

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Do you Mean...???


So you are suggesting a free keyboard or free hack tool for the ADB port?... I offer a free sample (not including shipping) to any one who will buy in bulk... Let me know... And Dan Enjoy that keyboard, thats as cheap as I ever went:). Well I too want to know where I can get a ADB hack, any ideas?

Thanks All,
Mark Jozaitis

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Do not buy from Macs r' Us

I am a very unsatisfied customer with Macs r' Us. I used "buy it now" for this auction and sent prompt payment seconds later through PayPal. It is three weeks after the auction has ended and I do not have the keyboard and mouse. I was able to actually get a response from the seller through a private message on this board. He stated that my keyboard and mouse would ship out the next day. It is now two weeks after he promised this, and I have not received anything.

Do not buy from macsruscomputers through ebay, his site, or applefritter. Take your business elsewhere.


Update: On Tuesday, September 7, 2004, after reading this post and a little email-tag, Mark Jozaitis said he would give me the full $24.95 back through Paypal.

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Another Macs'r'us ripoff

Old thread - more of the same. Purchased an acer wireless from their website on 4/7 and paid with paypal. Multiple emails, no reply, no keyboard.

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Kevin,Sorry, but I don't re

Sorry, but I don't recall seeing an e-mail about this, what e-mail address did you send it to? Also just as an FYI we are not Macs'r'us but rather we are Macs R Us Computers... Also please PM me the PayPay transaction number so I can either reship or refund your order... You can e-mail ( or Call (1-800-365-6754) we also have TWO AIM ( or macsruscomputers / Tech Support people on at many times of the day (Including late nights), you may also find our contac us form (Found Here: quite help for for contacting us, I receive about 100+ e-mails a day and many can get lost so this would be your best bet of e-mail contact... Also if you are upset with your purchase I really don't think this is the place to post that, however we do have a Customer Support Survey (Found Here: ) that you are more than welcome to take, also please be sure to contact me by one of the ways listed above so we can resolve this asap.

Thanks So Much!
Mark Jozaitis

Last seen: 18 years 9 months ago
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Sorry? BS

This isn't the place to do business, however, frustration leads us to unusual ends. I've also filed a complaint with paypal over 5 days ago - I guess you don't catch that in your email either? Check your orders - see mine? Why not? Ship my keyboard or refund my money.

Bad link:

iantm's picture
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Functionality with OS X on a Blue and White G3

I currently have a Blue and White G3 running 10.4, and am currently using an Appledesign adb keyboard and teardrop adb mouse. Does this keyboard/mouse combo require any special drivers to function? I am utilizing the machine inside an old tv cabinet, and think this would be a great way to use the machine wirelessly.


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The AirKey works with ADB and

The AirKey works with ADB and needs NO Drivers... Here are some pics:

As for OS X with ADB I did not test it, but I may work.

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Don't order from Macs R Us, Macs R Us = FRAUD

1 1/2 months later, countless emails, still no keyboard or refund. Jozaitis has time to advertise his company in this forum, but doesn't have the time to fill the orders.

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" countless emails" yes there

" countless emails" yes there were many about 8 a day (on our e-mail system) for many days, despite the harassing I still offered that refund to the amount of 14.95 and that means since we spend "$8.71" for the first shipment that I suppose was lost, I think we are the ones truly out the money since the refund it still being offered, and yet again I really don't think this is the appropriate place for complaints, nor do I think the other members do... ALSO you not once contacted our Live Online Tech support Posted Right on every page on our site. NOR Did you use our online refund request form ( and I have NOT heard a call from you so PLEASE Call me (Its FREE) 1-800-365-6754 (Ext: 1) and ask for Mark... Also please comments like Macs R Us = FRAUD are really not appreciate I have not call you any names, I take my work and company very series and name calling is not needed... Again I am still "1 1/2 months later" willing to work this out... Also please do fill out the refund form there too, other wise your request will (again apparently) get lost.

Again Contact Me ASAP (Or live Tech Support)

~Mark Jozaitis

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Then why don't you answer the emails?

You have support emails listed to contact, yet you don't reply to emails sent to those addresses. Ship my keyboard or refund the 14.95 you stole to my paypal account. It's that simple.

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That's enough!

Right guys... time to take it to some other medium, public forums really aren't the place to deal with this sort of situation.

Kevin: I suggest you phone Macs R Us and bitch to them over the phone... you are far more likely to get a response that way, because it seems that emailing hasn't had much effect so far. Mark has given you the number in his last post so I suggest you give him a call.

Mark: If I were you I would try my best to respond to Kevin's (and other peoples) emails when you get them. I can understand that you get alot of emails, but you should take the time to read through them and respond. Either that, or don't list an email address on your site. I'm sure you can agree that this situation has got abit out of hand, so it might be best to send Kevin an email yourself and get this sorted out now, and hopefully you will be able to avoid this sort of situation in the future.

So let's leave this topic here for the moment, before it turns into any more of a slagging match! I'm contemplating locking this thread, but I'll leave it open at the moment, and hope you can get this sorted between yourselves.


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