stupid computer

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coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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stupid computer

ok, I woke up this morning to hearing a repeated (thud, thud, thud) really fast. It was coming from my iBook DVD/CD-RW Drive in my 900MHz G3 Dual USB iBook. Worst thing is, there was no CD or DVD in it at the time.
I heard the same hiccuping at about 2 AM this morning and repeated hiccuping of the laser moving back and forth, except it was very faint. I was too tired to get up and check it since I had set the iBook to sleep the night before going to bed. Now the stupid thing won't read any discs. It tries to read them and produces the repeated thud. then while trying to eject it, it keeps going. after ~3 min it spits it out while it is still spinning.
I am really sick of this crappy computer. It has been in so many times (below I will list when it has been in and what for) and this thing is worthless! This is what it has beem in for:

3x Graphics chip came loose (see apple iBook Board replacement notice and extended warranty at
2x Hard drive.
4x Power Adapter
1x keyboard

worst of all, it was just in 2 weeks ago.

I am really sick of such crap that apple made when making the G3 iBook!! A lawsuit went thru just to get Apple to notice and create a replacement warranty for the infamous Graphics Chip coming loose from the hard drive vibration.

I was thinking about getting another Apple but am almost ready to reconsider. For a cheaper price, I can build a RELIABLE PC.
Is there a way I can even get Apple to replace my iBook with even a refurbished G4 iBook 800MHz? I don't even care if it is a stock system with low-end specs. (i.e., only 256MB ram)
The iBook still has another 2 yrs. warranty (well, actally, 1 1/2 yrs.) and I am trying to run a business and depend on this laptop. I have already had to call 2 people and tell them that I can't recover their DVD Data because I have no DVD Drive. (I now have no CD drive that I can use at all, with the laptop.) Please tell me how to get apple to get me a new laptop!!

PS: I already have to get a replacement cable for my power adapter.

coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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I was going to post this up after I called Apple a few minutes of posting this. According to my logs (and apple's) this thing has been in one to many times... After this replacemnt, if it goes in again, it will be replaced by a new G4 iBook. (hopefully a trouble free one!!)
And 2nd.)
I found the culprit... about a half hour before posting this, my drive totally quit. the culprit is a wire attached to the laser lens. Possibly one that moved the laser left and right to be 1/2 of the focusing processes (the other being the in and out zoom of the lens). Right before it happened, the drive spun up (no disc was in it) to insane speeds, them I heard a really bad *clunk* *clunk* then the last one a horrible loud *CLUNK* and then the drive spun down and ejected the tray.
I have to keep the tray out if I want to use the iBook (I am pulling the files off over to the Pismo use FireWIre target disk mode and the Pismo being the live computer.)
I am so frustrated at this computer that I would like to throw it at Bill Gate (thus solving one world problem and my own) (It should do in both Bill and the Laptop.)
As for the Power Adapter... I send in the old one with the iBook and a new one will come back with the fixed 'Book.
Man... even my PowerBook 190cs did not behave that badly. I have never had a poorly designed, totally crappy, no good, very bad, Laptop from Apple. I guess I could list it as being ranked with the legendary bad Apples (pun intended).
3rd (being the most important to me)
My dad donated an internal DVD Drive to me to continue my business. I hooked it up to a USB 2.0 enclosure and am using it on my Pismo with a USB 2.0 PC Card. So, I guess I can continue with my home business.

Thx. everyone for listening to my grumpy anger venting. Have a very good day to all of you (especially every one with Dual USB G3 iBooks):p

token's picture
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I'm sorry to hear about all o

I'm sorry to hear about all of your problems. I guess luck has something to do these iBooks. My friend has the same exact iBook as you do. He treats it like hell, and hasn't had a single problem with it. Let us know if you wind up getting a replacement iBook g4. That should certainly make up for the problems you've had with the g3. Smile


coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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forgot to add

This will be the 11th time that it will have replacement part. I think the main reason that it hasn't happened already is because some of them hasn't been documented. I took 2 of the Power adapter problems to CompUSA and they took my info about the apple and said they would create a report with apple, but they never did.
I had to convince the Apple product specialist that it went in 2 weeks ago and they said they did not have it on record. They did however had it recorded that they sent me a new keyboard. (the old one I used to hack the Pismo Keyboard I have , see
I went to my basement, and I found the box that the iBook came back in and I told them the case number, and sure enough after they searched again, it was there. (it was listed under my brother's name [he has a g4 iMac 800] Go figure as to how that happened?)
So I hope they decide, (screw it, Let's give him a new one!) after it goes in this time. I will be calling the Product specialist in the morning to talk to him about the culprit (and to tell them about the new symptoms, so they know what to look for as to how to trouble shoot.) I will also tell them about the reasoning using the cost effective solution as to not replacing the part and giving me a new one. (if you think about it, if they put in a new DVD/CD-RW and the board goes out, they might as well not do it. considering the history, it will go out again.)
I know they have spent more $ in parts and Labour to fix it than it would be to replace it.
So, I will keep you updated as to what happens
Thx for the swift reply

coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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talked to apple today

and they said they would repair it this time and then the next time it would be replaced. I talked to a Product Specialist (different one than before) and he commented that since it is written in the logs like that, it is set in stone. I was not able to convince him otherwise. Oh well.

coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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ok, so...

I got it back and the Drive was definetly replaced. However, they did not replace the Power adapter cord. When I called them a few min. ago, they sounded as if it was not under warranty. But, it turned out all right. I have a Three prong cord headed my way (they do not make the 2 prong cords anymore) Sad So, I guess I will not be getting the new iBook so soon. Crud...

maltedmilk's picture
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Ick... what a shame!

I have the same kind of iBook (900 Mhz G3, 40GB HD, Dual USB, etc) and I've had nothing but great experience with it. My wife and I have used it heavily over the past 2 years, and it has been rock-solid... even more so than my old iMac DV which had been the best computer I'd ever used hands down. Sounds like you got one of the rotten apples in the bunch. At least Apple is willing to make good if it breaks down again.

coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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1 more time... here we go again!

I am on the line with apple yet again, waiting for a powerBook specialist to see if they will replace my ibook. I now have the problem that the backlight shuts off FOR NO APPARENT REASON and requires me to restart just to get it going again. Hopefully this is the last time! (crosses fingers) the display has done this THREE TIMES over the last two weeks!!!
I hope they throw this machine into the furnace. It is an EVIL demon. it just wont quit with the never-ending problems.

I will update as soon as the deal with apple is made.

coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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That's It!!

I will be getting a
1.25GHz iBook
12" display
256MB Ram
USB 2.0
Airport Extreme

Now I just have to find a Hard Drive that I can hold the stuff Temperarily...

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You mean...

1.197GHz. Wink

coius's picture
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I assumed the newest ibooks ran at either 1.25GHz or 1.33GHz. It is 1.2Ghz

coius's picture
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The laptop got to them 3 days ago and they haven't started getting the new one to me. I called and a guy told me that the Shipment was on hold until they got mine. THEY GOT MINE 3 DAYS AGO! They didn't even update the database on them receiving my old one. I wonder how long it was going to be before they figured out that they hadn't even shipped mine. I had emailed the guy that told me he would get mine ready once I started the process shipping it in. HE WOULD NOT RESPOND! How dense can these guys at apple be? I have had to run my business on my Pismo (which is more reliable than the Old iBook) But am having a hard time doing it because I need a faster processor. I am really being tried by apple. Hopefully, My new one will be here in ~ 1 week. I have just had my run with apple. Hopefully, my new iBook will NOT break!!!. It has already been 1.5 Weeks and I am trying to be as patient as I can be without complaining about it. Unfortunately, my dam has burst, as I need that thing now!
Sorry about the rant. I just feel I need to vent a little. I still like apple, but not as much as I used to.

C'ya for now...

P.S., I will post again once I get my new iBook.

moosemanmoo's picture
Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
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If you think Apple is bad, yo

If you think Apple is bad, you should try getting an RMA from Dell on a screen. It takes them 3 weeks to get the wrong part to you, 2 weeks to return it, 5 calls to India to sort out database confusion, and another 3 weeks for the right screen to get to you. By that time, your client is very impatient.

coius's picture
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I have had my run-in with dell. I used to have a new Dell system and sold that to get me a Power Macintosh 5400. I was ever so glad i did. The dell broke on me 4 weeks after getting it and at the time they DID have a costumer satisfaction program that if you were not satisfied after 90 days, they would buy it back. And that is just what they did... But there was a lot of whining going on, and it wasn't on my part.

maelgwn's picture
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yeah my sis has had many prob

yeah my sis has had many problems as well ... but not as many as urs

i think hers is a 700mhz G3

she is on her third motherboard already
and she just had to get the backlight fixed as well and its 2 years old now

coius's picture
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Got the laptop today. I am in the process of getting my files transfered. The nice thing is that when it booted up, it had me hook up my Pismo, and copied most of the files automatically. Nice! All I have to do, is copy the stuff off of my external HD. I am now going to do that. [scurries off] ...

coius's picture
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The iBook is going strong, and I have now formed a deep bond with it. I have given it a name (I was thinking before that i would transfer the last name over from my late iBook G3.) The old name was "Tsubasa Shibahime (last name pronounced "Shi-ba-he-may") the new one is "Sazaku Nozomi" Remember that in Japan, the last name comes first.)
Anyways, It is very fast! I can encode DVD's almost with 30fps, which is a very good improvement over the G3 which only did a measly 10fps max.
I love the altivec engine. I have never owned a G4 before, but i am very surprised. Even with the stock 256MB's of ram, it is very zippy. Over all, I am very satisfied with apple again.

Last seen: 12 years 12 months ago
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so you still liking your iBoo

so you still liking your iBook? considering i have a Dell and a clamshell (that's broken (as you know)). i think the only time that i ever had any problems like that was when i was dealing with stupid people at

coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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oh yes..

and it's better than the dead pc i have taken apart on in the dining room, see:

chris501's picture
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lessons in japanese

i don't want to make a japanese lesson out of this thread, but i was wondering if "Sazaku Nozomi" has any meaning in english? what do these words stand for? thx...

coius's picture
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i don't know

just decided that it was a cool name

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Just have to add...

Go easy on Apple with things like this. I have to deal with customers like you daily, and while they generally aren't annoying, they never seem to understand how complicated such things as getting a replacement computer to a customer can really be.

Very, very complicated. No system for returns is invincible, anything can go wrong at any time; and don't forget human error. More than once me or my fellow technician have accidentally read ONE number wrong on a freshly delivered computer and contacted the wrong customer to tell them it had arrived.

It's a damned difficult process, so please be patient.

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