Packard Bell Hell

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olikicksmacs's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 252
Packard Bell Hell


I have an old pc (200mhz) which i still do use, but not that much. I took it apart yesterday because i found an cyrix 300mhz processor, that was the same socket (socket 7) I put it in, power light came on, nothing on the screen. Then even worse.. I put the old one back in and the same thing happens!

AAARGH!! What have I done??



Eudimorphodon's picture
Last seen: 1 month 3 days ago
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"MMX" or "Classic Pentium"?

Intel made two 200Mhz Pentiums. The "MMX" version uses a split voltage setup which supplies a lower voltage to the CPU core then the I/O pins (usually 2.9-3.2v core depending on speed, 3.5v I/O), whilst the older "classic" Pentium uses 3.5v for both. The Cyrix MII CPU is compatable with the MMX version. (2.9v core, 3.5v I/O) If your machine was equipped with a "classic" Pentium and you didn't rejumper it to accomodate the new chip (assuming the board even has configuration jumpers), then... you might of damaged both it and the motherboard.

Also note that a "PR300" Cyrix MII actually only runs at 233Mhz, and that those Cyrix CPUs were famous for lousy floating point performance. For playing video games and whatnot a Classic Pentium will handily beat it. (The Cyrix CPUs are good for running Linux and such, however. They compile nice and fast.)


olikicksmacs's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 252

Mine IS the mmx. Hmm... I wish i knew that b4 (about the speed) Sad

performaman's picture
Last seen: 18 years 8 months ago
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Posts: 209
Bell: They should've just stuck to UNIX Mainframes

I had an old Packard Bell 386 once. It ran DOS 5. I bought it for $20.00 at a garage sale, and it came with all these old games: Duke Nukem, The Terminator, Jeopardy, etc. It was great. I took it apart and I wish I hadn't. Mmmmmmmm, Minix.
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-Linus Torvalds

Last seen: 20 years 2 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 17
I have a Cyrix 300 running SE

I have a Cyrix 300 running SETI and not only does a 7300/200 beat the hell out of it but also a AMD 166 MHz!. I have looked into upgrading but the mess with voltages bus ratios and the fact that that I got the computer for free (but no documentation) there is no way to find out how to set jumpers etc. So I will keep it just as it is until I get a later free PC that hopefully is faster.

I have this "farm" of 4 old computers that run distributed computing and also warm up and circulate the air in my celler. They only consume 100-150W in total and its is more fun than a heater Smile

Last seen: 18 years 7 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 46
Welcome to the self destructi

Welcome to the self destructing packard bell world. Back when I was on AOL and a PB120 everything was great till I opened it up for whatever reason, don't remember changing anything just cleaning. Putting it back together and the system would turn on, but the monitor output was gone. Tried putting in another video card, no results. End result, bought the Fujitsu lifebook 280dx (233mmx) that i'm still using.

Heck i've loaded Diablo, SC3K, Half-Life and a few others onto this thing with the help of an external monitor got along for a few years. Spacebar's starting to die on me now after 6 years.

good laptop XXOO

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