Hi all!
I take the oportunity to post here...
I have problems with the login to the Applefritter site: I enter my user name & password and click the login button and nothing happens the fields are clear as if I never typed them in, then I click the login button again and... I am logged in?!?!? I think there might be a slight problem...
See ya
Forum problems
March 18, 2005 - 4:34am
Forum problems
I've noticed this. I believe it's related to the order that Drupal drops a cookie on your system. As near as I can tell, it checks for the cookie first. I've got a day off and a couple of things on my list to fix. I'll add that.
And offtopic, but still forum-code-related, the boxes around the avatars were starting to annoy me, so I removed them. If anyone really objects, let me know. Thanks.
Not having boxes makes the interface look cleaner.
The other night on my Mac the boxes where gone, but here at work today on my PeeCee the boxes are still there...
Try clearing your cache. I don't have a PC to test on, so I'd like to know the results.
Cache cleared no change, I still have the box around the avatar... Ah I know what is the problem, FireFox! With IE it is OK but with FireFox I seem to still have them... (mind you as I installed it as a non admin it might be missing something...)
I now realise that it is the same for my login problem FireFox seems not to work...
quick recap:
I'll look into it, but my list contains a couple items. I'll be happy if I can get these auto-linking URL's working before I hit bed tonight.
Anyone else using Firefox for Windows and noting these issues?
I logged in at 09:09 CET and both the login and the boxes are OK now under FireFox for Windows
I am not sure however if the problem was after all your side or my side ... although apart from clearing cache I did nothing ...
I haven't touched anything here in relation to the logins. I've been playing with URL replacement, but given that that's server side, it should affect all browsers equally.
Whatever. I don't complain when stuff works.
Well you see sometimes solving one problem helps the others
Have now logged in and out several times and it is fine!
I've noticed the login problem before, and it's REALLY simple. When you login, it doesn't refresh the page. After you hit the login button, let it finish it's work, then hit refresh and things are rosy. Probably needs a quick tweak in the Drupal code to do the refresh for you.
Over the last few days I haven't been able to connect to the forum, it seems to time out each time? I think I have a config problem but I don't know where to start? I have tried FireFox, Safari, IE all the same: Time Out!
Could it be a firewall problem, does the site try and connect in some way to my computers?
The problem I have is the same on my Mac and my PC... :?:
See this thread:
Applefritter's the only site I can't access from home vs. at work, and I've stripped my setup from the DSL back, tried it with a different router and different computers. My IP's dynamic, so it's not a specific IP being blocked.
And I'm apparently not alone in having access problems, so I'll stick to my uneducated guess that the problem is at Applefritter's host.
Applefritter seems to be the only site I can't access from home on Mac, at work however I am on windows 2000 which is somewhat ironic
Can anyone give a hint as to why we can't connect to Applefritter from some locations? Is it really Applefritter who has a problem or is it our home setup? Consider that in my case I have no problem in accessing any other sites...
It would be good to get this sorted...