Need guidance to start my first CC project

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Need guidance to start my first CC project

Hello everyone,
I came across a website long before I ever got my first CC, this website has clear and detailed photographs for the 640x480 res. modifiaction. Now that I got my CC... I can't seem to find that website...

1-) Does anyone know a simular site that provide clear photographics and step by steps modification that I can follow?
2-) Also I would like to use the logic board from the Mac 631CD series, is this possible?

Any guidance for me to get started on this new project is greatly appreciated !

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Re: Need guidance to start my first CC project

Hello everyone,
I came across a website long before I ever got my first CC, this website has clear and detailed photographs for the 640x480 res. modifiaction. Now that I got my CC... I can't seem to find that website...

1-) Does anyone know a simular site that provide clear photographics and step by steps modification that I can follow?
2-) Also I would like to use the logic board from the Mac 631CD series, is this possible?

Any guidance for me to get started on this new project is greatly appreciated !

1. Start with;

2. Given that a 630 board needs all the work of a 6500 board, but no more power than the easy-to-install 575 board, I can't recommend it. Too much work for too little benefit!


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How about the board from a 8500

Thank you Stuard Smile I will start diggin on to the given sites.

One more quetion:
(I want to know if I could use the parts I already have avail.)

How about the board from a 8500, it has a Cresendo's G3 and 160m-ram, Is there any hope of using this for my CC

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8500 board

I wouldn't say that anything is impossible, but you're into virgin territory there. Given that the 6500 route is well researched, and some have added G3 boards, then I'd recommend the familiar path everytime!


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And just to further amplify Stuart's comments:

The 6500 boards (and the 575, 630, 52/5300, 5400, 6400, etc.) have the edge connector that slides into the CC's wiring harness. No other Mac model lines have the edge connector. So this would make using them nearly impossible - or, at the very least, much more difficult.

Finally, there's no way an 8500 mobo is going to fit in a CC case. The G3 mobos used for Tacos barely fit, and they're smaller than 7200-9600 series mobos (and they require ripping out the CRT and putting in an LCD).

Go with a 575 board unless you want a PPC machine, in which case I recommend a 5500 or 6500 board.


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I might disagree, Stuart.

I think that the 630 is a great platform since you have so many add-ons with the CS, LC, TV and Video slots as opposed to the 575's LC and Comm slots. It is a LOT of work, but I think it is worth the additional effort (or at least, I hope it is).


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Wow, now I'm a little overwhe

Wow, now I'm a little overwhelmed with infos. thanks!

I really I dreamed of building a PPC "takky" machine... only if I know which board is the easiest but also gives me the most advantage for future add-on such as TV/FM tuner, etc. (wishful thinking)... then I can start my ebay hunting for this board or other resources.

Also I saw on one of other website's instructions of disassemble and reassemble of the CC's monitor... is this part of building a PPC machine? I thought just modify the analog board?

Forgive me I'm still ignorance on Mac's stuffs, but willing to learn Smile

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Fair comment, though . . . .

. . . . there is the issue of PSU loading if you get carried away!

But I still reckon that the Mystic is the best CC upgrade to start with; nothing too challenging, and a noticable performance improvrment.


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Clear photos.

Hey there,

try this for size:-
The PinOutKing.

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More comprehensible translation at


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Thank you all for the valuabl

Thank you all for the valuable inputs, I definately have some home work to do now Smile

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One more question

I ahd finally found a board for the CC project Smile and was reading some of the topics in this forum and got little confused...

what are the differences between "VGA mod" and the "HiRes mod"...?

Any inputs is appreciated

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It's either that the HiRes mo

It's either that the HiRes mod only outputs video at 60Hz, but it saves the analogue board some electical stress, while the VGA mod outputs video at a smoother 67Hz but taxes the analogue board. It might be the other way around, it's been at least 2 years since my CC modding days.

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VGA Mod usually is preferable

The VGA mod results in 640x480 resolution at 60Hz refresh rate.

The High-Res mod results in 640x480 resolution at 67Hz refresh rate.

They have those names because that's what their "original" namesake hardware does: the first VGA monitors typically had 60Hz refresh rates; whereas at least one original Apple 640x480 monitor, which refreshed at 67Hz, was referred to as High-Resolution (presumably because its resolution was greater than the original Macs' 512x384).

The VGA mod is preferable because it increases voltages on the CC analog board less than the High-Res mod does. This, the thinking goes, will help the CC's analog board last longer.

The High-Res mod does have two advantages, at least theoretically: one is that the original CC motherboard can still drive the CRT. If you do the VGA mod, then you can't put an original CC mobo back in the machine. But since virtually no one ever does the screen mod without also upgrading the motherboard at the same time, that's basically a non-issue.

The other advantage is that the High-Res mod's higher refresh rate makes it less flickerly. But since anything below about 72Hz is noticeable for most people, both 60Hz and 67Hz are going to look flickery. So again the VGA mod has all the practical benefits, and no real practical drawbacks.


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Thank you both for your clear

Thank you both for your clear inputs... I can now decide which monitor's mod to take on Smile

Seemed like I will have to use my best available supply is the 6500 series Motherboard for this project. Any advice on this particular board before I tear down my computer to get the board and the connector for my CC project is appreciated.

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Become intimate with files an

Become intimate with files and dremel tools. If you want to make your Takky look good, you will want to use the 6500's backplane, which involves taking out a good portion of the CC's motherboard plastic back area.
Also, multimeters are your friends. Don't do something horrible, like connecting the 12v wire to the 5v place in the motherboard connector.

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I am going to try to say this

I am going to try to say this in a nice way... the 630 is a turd.. sorry if I am offending anyone. Those machines are NOT worth it.....

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It's no offense at all... I'm

It's no offense at all... I'm just glad that I had asked for second and third opinions... I would hate to tear down something then ended up not use it. The 630 and 631CD will be used as test units and or an archive of old softwares. Thank you for your valuable inputs Smile

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I have finally gathered all n

I have finally gathered all needed tools and parts for the CC project. The primary choice is the PPC6500 (complete & functional computer).
I'm wondering if anyone had used the 6500's for the Takky mod. If yes, will I be able to use the 6500's HDD for the CC or do I have to find a small laptop's HDD?

Any informations is greatly appreciated.

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Question on 4.7K resistor

Hello again everyone,

I had started my CCproject, and am doing the highres mod. But, I'm sort of confuse regarding on the last part of the instruction... where there is a sub link to the Japanese's mod using the 4.7K resistor connecting the +5V source to pin# 24 of the Analog board's connector (for 13" mode).

I'm wondering if this is a requirement or just an option?
any advice is appreciated

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