I put up a really simple website today with some old portfolio stuff on it to try and find me some simple jobs. I can't seem to even find anything better than minimum wage and part time nowdays.
The url for my new site is: http://www.simplylinux.org/alison
If you like my style and/or know anyone who would, pass on the word. I work by project or contract anywhere... and am even looking for fulltime work in the Seattle area.
- Alison
Find you work?!? I'm trying to find me work!
Dr. Bob
oh! now that you'll be in Portland, I might have a connection. I'll look into it for you.
When will you be there and set up?
iBook 600 (now 900) combo (now superdrive)
Cube 450 (soon 550) DVD w/ Radeon 7500 and 17" perfect flat CRT
+ various "CustoMacs"
My last day at Apple is 4/23, then I'll spend the next week moving up. I hope to be fully moved in by May 3rd, although I'm sure I'll be unpacking boxes for some time.
When you come up, I can show you my evil works in progress.
Dr. Bob
Go Bob Go! I'm working on getting transfered up there. Was shooting for June (when summer session starts) but now that i've been assigned a tuxedo for a friends august wedding and slid the left wheel of my truck into a palm tree it might be delayed until the fall semester. Oh which reminds me, I saw a logo contest while leaving work last night $300 prize if anyone's interested.
Is the rat race still worth the weather?
i cant really help with work ... but the site is good
IMO, no