Burning bootable cd for 68k in OS X?

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Burning bootable cd for 68k in OS X?

Is this possible? To burn a bootable OS cd (8.1, or 7.6 or 8.1) from an image (containing a system folder) in OS X (using either Toast or something else)?
I've been trying without luck at all, and just realized that this might not be possible at all.



dankephoto's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 1899
burn yes, build . . . ?

You can burn a pre-made classic Mac OS bootable-disk-image under X, but I haven't any idea if you can build such a thing. Recent Toast versions don't seem to be able to build bootables . . .

In Toast, select a disk image file to burn and burn it. You don't mount it or anything, just burn.

dan k

Last seen: 14 years 2 months ago
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Posts: 85

I have probably tried close to 10 times to burn few different bootable disk images (7.5.3, 7.6.1, 8.0) under OS X using DiskCopy and Toast 5 to use on my Quadra 950. None of them has worked (not recognized as a boot disk). In Toast I did use disk image burn and selected Bootable.
I know that my 3rd party CD drive works fine with the Quadra since it will attempt to boot from my 8.6 restore CD which I burned long time ago on my S900 using Toast 3 (or 4) but complains saying that the OS doesn't work for it (of course).
I read somewhere that what really mattered was that the burning softwre needed to insert the boot sector on the CD which it would get from the "current" system. If that is true then it is not surprising that I can't boot from those CDs burned under OS X (QS 2002, 933MHz).
I guess I'll have to get that S900 going again (if I can find a place for it).



dankephoto's picture
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"bootable" option for disk image?

I'm not sure how you're doing this, but you shouldn't be seeing a "bootable" option if burning straight from a disk image. Toast just burns the image, the bootableness of the disk is built in to the image (or not, as the case may be.)

dan K

Last seen: 14 years 2 months ago
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That's right

Yes, when I burned the image, it just burned it. But still it doesn't work (from either Toast nor DiskCopy). I have also mounted the image and then burned a Mac Volume from the mounted image and then it is an option to make it bootable. Still no luck.
I"m going to try this again while booted up in OS9 to see if there is a difference. Otherwise I'll have to start the S900 up again.



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try burning it at a lower spe

try burning it at a lower speed
it might help
I can't remember what I did to get it to work on my computer.

Last seen: 14 years 2 months ago
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Yeah, I guess that might he

Yeah, I guess that might help. The drive can only write at 8x (I think) but the combination with a super cheap media (SupermediaStore) might be the culprit. I'll try writing it at 1x.



Last seen: 14 years 2 months ago
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No, didn't work

No, burning at 1x didn't help. Maybe it is the image itself. When I booted the computer up in OS9 the system folder of the mounted image did have the Mac logo so I think it did recognize it as a real system folder. Maybe something else.
Anyway, I'm getting the S900 up tomorrow which will allow me to make a boot floppy.

Thanks for the help


macintoshme's picture
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Mac OS Standard File System

You need to make sure that the disk image is using the mac os standard file system.

dankephoto's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
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Posts: 1899
bootable disk needs a driver

The presence of a valid system folder doesn't mean a CD will boot. Just as important is a working disk driver in the boot sector of the CD image. The only way to get that is to either build the disk under a classic OS with Toast, or use a proper disk image made from a working bootable CD.

I'll agree with the idea that your disk image is faulty, most likely missing the disk driver.

dan k

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