PSU pinout of a PM G5?

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PSU pinout of a PM G5?

Does anybody know where I can find the PSU pinout of the Power Mac G5 Single 1.8Ghz (2004 model)?
I want to make an HTPC out of a G5, but do not want to use the oversized 450W power supply but an ATX psu. I thought about delivering the 28V from a G4 Cube supply. What do you think?

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Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
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The design of the G5 revolves

The design of the G5 revolves around there being a plethora of fans that it can switch on and off on a whim. You would probably have to replace the heatsinks.

Last seen: 18 years 8 months ago
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A: There is not a single pino

A: There is not a single pinout for a G5. I hase several connectors that connect to different areas of the board. An ATX supply is taller then the G5 supply, the G5 supply is just longer and would fit beter in slim case. But the board for the G5 is gigantic compaired to a standard ATX board (although I believe the 04 single board may be smaller compaired to the earlier single 1.8) The other problem is cooling. Every fan has a speed sensor, and there are a plethora of temp sensors located all over the board and case. If the machine doesnt receive a correct signal from these, it wont function.

Plus, why do you need a G5 for an HTPC? A 550MHz G4 will play DVD's and DIVX videos just fine. Why put something that will need mass amounts of cooling and guzzel up lots of power for something that will just play videos?

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That's right. At most use an

That's right. At most use an iMac G5 or a Powermac G4 if you need a PCI card.

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2004 PowerMac G5 PSU pinouts

A: There is not a single pinout for a G5. It has several connectors that connect to different areas of the board.

Power Supply P1 Connector
Pin# Signal Color ------ Pin# Signal Color
1 +5Vstb Purple --------- 13 GND Black
2 GND Black ------------- 14 Power ON Green
3 FANtach White/Yellow -- 15 GND Black
4 GND Black ------------- 16 Reserved
5 Reserved -------------- 17 GND Black
6 GND Black ------------- 18 RTNaud(GND) Black
7 +12Vaud (12V2) Yellow - 19 GND Black
8 GND Black ------------- 20 +5V sense Red
9 +3.3V sense Orange ---- 21 GND Black
10 GND Black ------------ 22 -12V Blue
11 GND Black ------------ 23 GND Black
12 Reserved ------------- 24 Reserved

Power Supply P2 Connector
Pin# Signal Color ------- Pin# Signal Color
1 +3.3V Orange ----------- 9 +5V Red
2 +3.3V Orange ---------- 10 +5V Red
3 +3.3V Orange ---------- 11 +5V Red
4 +3.3V Orange ---------- 12 +12V3 Yellow
5 Reserve --------------- 13 +12V3 Yellow
6 +12Vfan Yellow -------- 14 +12V1 Yellow
7 +12Vfan(12V2) Yellow -- 15 +12V1 Yellow
8 +25V White ------------ 16 RTNfan(GND) Black

Power Supply P3 Connector
Pin# Signal Color ------- Pin# Signal Color
1 +5V Red ---------------- 5 +5V Red
2 GND Black -------------- 6 GND Black
3 GND Black -------------- 7 GND Black
4 12V2 Yellow ------------ 8 +12V2 Yellow


dan k

Last seen: 20 years 2 weeks ago
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Re: A: There is not a single pino

A: There is not a single pinout for a G5. I hase several connectors that connect to different areas of the board.

Thats bad...

But the board for the G5 is gigantic compaired to a standard ATX board (although I believe the 04 single board may be smaller compaired to the earlier single 1.8)

The logicboard of the Single 1.8 sizes about 27 x 27 cm. Thats a bit more than Micro-ATX (24 x 24).

The other problem is cooling. Every fan has a speed sensor, and there are a plethora of temp sensors located all over the board and case. If the machine doesnt receive a correct signal from these, it wont function.

Seems that I have to forget that idea...

Plus, why do you need a G5 for an HTPC? A 550MHz G4 will play DVD's and DIVX videos just fine. Why put something that will need mass amounts of cooling and guzzel up lots of power for something that will just play videos?

Because I also want to play HDTV/1080p and videogames like Doom 3 on it. And it should also function as a normal workstation (I'm using my ACD as a TV).

And the PPC970FX consumes only about 36W, so the main problem for cooling is not its power consumption but its small DIE.

Last seen: 18 years 8 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 279
Why not keep the G5 in its re

Why not keep the G5 in its regular case, and just have it off to the side or something. Or even set it sideways in a bigger shelf. They run pretty quiet as is, and then you dont have to mess with anything.

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