Erphi, Ehring, HoCo and other Shugart controllers

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Erphi, Ehring, HoCo and other Shugart controllers

I have an Erphi controller an another unknown Shugart controller for Apple II.
I would have any documentation, .dsk, manual about any shugart card for Apple II, especially for Erphi and its Dip-Switches. Thanks

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I don't know about the Erph

I don't know about the Erphi controller but I believe the Shugart controller was for an 8" drive you could attach to the apple II. Do you have pictures?

replica 1 The Apple 1 replica

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Shugart drives

If I remember correctly (not always) didn't Shugart make the
first disk (5 1/4") drives for Apple? I thought I read that
in a historical article about Apple. If so, then your Shugart
controller will operate the original Apple floppy drives.
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Shugart drives/controllers...Disk II


I think this will help. I went into my archives and found the

"The Disk II was finally available in July 1978 with the first
full version of DOS 3.1. It had an introductory price of $495
(including the controller card) if you ordered them before Apple
had them in stock; otherwise, the price would be $595. Even at
that price, however, it was the least expensive floppy disk drive
ever sold by a computer company. Early production at Apple was
handled by only two people, and they produced about thirty drives
a day.

Apple bought the drives to sell with Woz's disk controller from
SHUGART, right there in Silicon Valley. To cut costs, however, they
decided to go to Alps Electric Company of Japan and ask them to
design a less expensive clone."

This excerpt is from Steven Weyrich's extensive history of the
Apple II, Chapter 5, page 3.

Hope this is helpful.

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nope, i know all these informations, but i'm talking about controllers with shugart bus (34-pins) instead of the standard disk II controller. I know these can go also at 80 tracks but they are needing some patch for the SO.

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You might be able to get some

You might be able to get some help from the author of the
"Virtual A2 Floppy Drive" thread. Sounds like you and he
are on the same track.
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Re: Erphi, Ehring, HoCo and other Shugart controllers

hello shadoo,
I´ve uploaded the entire manual of the erphi controller AFDC2 ( AFDC2 is the correct typename ) in german language to my website.
it includes detailed description of the switches in a table-graph and detailed circuitplan of the controller. I will
pick up my so called "Multiformat" Disk for the erphi controller and generate a .dsk file and upload it to that page too. That Multidisk contains all files described in the manual in the different operation systems. Check out the link to the description of the Floppy drive modification too - due to the fact that normal TEAC Drives do not work with Apple Disk driver very good together.... the modification text explains how to make the TEAC drives work properly with the different controllers ! And last not least: remember the limitations of the powersupplies within the Applecomputers ! Using this kind of Controllers together with 2 external drives can rapidly fry your powersupply, if you do not insert that drives in an external case with own powersupply ( + 5 Volt / 3 Ampere and +12 Volt / 2 Ampere and common ground by 34 pin cable to Computer ! ) The upload of the multidisk will be performed somewhere around this upcoming weekend....
and besides another hint: the erphi controller is very high-end: it does NOT PATCH the operation system on the disk - instead it only patches the memory of the apple after the OPsys is loaded up to there with the contents of the switches fron the controller and therefor a Modification of the disks themselves is not neccesary ! You only need some programs that have been altered to handle the large disks and the fact that their VTOC ( Volume Table of Contents ) contains larger information blocks. The erphi controllers only work correct up with Eprom at least Vers. 8.1 with ProDOS up till Version 1.1.1 ! This results from the fact that Apple changed to often the memorylocation of driveparameters in memory during the fast and close updating process within ProDOS history ( 18 versions within less than 4 years !!! ) the guys at erphi resigned from finally updating their eprom every 4 months after ProDOS vers.1.1.1 ..... last hint: Tryout the erphi with a normal DISK II drive and keep sure that cable pin 1 is setup correct with pin 1 of the controller pins. If that works OK, then in 95% of the cases the controller will operate with the shugart-bus ( 34 pin cable and TEAC Drive series 55F = 2 sides and 80 tracks ) also correct - be sure here to connect pin 1 drive and pin 1 controller also correct same direction and last drive to be terminated correct with termination block
on drive [ 7 or 8 times 220 Ohms to 330 Ohms - dependent to drivetyp ] ( see text of modification description ).

I also added the detailed manual of the Ehring FDC4 Controller and the description of the patching software PATCH165 in german language as well as both sides of the related patchdisk in .dsk format to that page for download. In different Sites there are detailed descriptions how to treat the .dsk files to make a working disk ( see in google ADT - Apple Disk Transfer => it enables you to transfer a .dsk file via serial port from IBM-PC to Super Serial Card in Apple and generate directly a Apple 5,25 Disk in the Apple Computer..... )
i also uploaded the circuitplan of the controller....
in case that you can´t identify the floppy controller, mail an photoimage of the controller to me... i got a database with some 25 to 30 different floppycontrollers and i might be able to identify the controller and provide the information via my downloadpage.
the informations mentioned above are uploaded to the following page within my website:

the documents are scanned in high quality and converted to PDF-format and they are figured out that you can enlarge the view within acrobat reader in very close to details of the circuitplans ( scanned with 600 dpi ).

besides I´ve also got for most of the controllers also the correct eprom-images and different special versions....
in that case i need more information...

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Re: Erphi, Ehring, HoCo and other Shugart controllers

hello, i´ve just started now to upload more stuff to the downloadpage...
among that stuff is also stuff from erphi - the rest for the controller and new stuff from the erphi ERAM Card...
upload will be finished within the next 2 hours.

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