23" PowerBook

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Mackie's picture
Last seen: 18 years 2 months ago
Joined: Dec 19 2003 - 17:34
Posts: 92
23" PowerBook

I'm wondering if it's possible to squeeze the 17", 1920x1200 XBRITE LCD on the new Sony laptops
into the 17" PowerBook G4. In other words, do the power/video (usually combined) connector(s) match?

Anyone wanting to b*tch about how tiny everything would be and how stupid this project is can go here

Mackie's picture
Last seen: 18 years 2 months ago
Joined: Dec 19 2003 - 17:34
Posts: 92
Some stupid moderator must ha

Some stupid moderator must have edited my post, because this is where I mean you to go:


martakz's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
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99.9999 recuring % that it wo

99.9999 recuring % that it won't be possible, sorry.

(99.999 recuring is exactly equal to 100...)

Last seen: 7 years 5 months ago
Joined: Dec 19 2003 - 17:40
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Re: 23" PowerBook

I'm wondering if it's possible to squeeze the 17", 1920x1200 XBRITE LCD on the new Sony laptops
into the 17" PowerBook G4. In other words, do the power/video (usually combined) connector(s) match

Why? Do you just want to get a higher resolution? But I doubt it would work.

BTW slagging off the moderators is a pretty sure-fire way to get banned. Just something to think about...


Last seen: 6 years 4 months ago
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watch it

You're treading on thin ice Mackie

ex-parrot's picture
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Is it actually not common sense that laptops have proprietary LCD screens? I can't understand why this kind of question comes up over and over and over.

Last seen: 18 years 2 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 279
Re: Gah.

Is it actually not common sense that laptops have proprietary LCD screens? I can't understand why this kind of question comes up over and over and over.

The screens themselves are not proprietary. There is only a handful of lcd panel manufacturers. The main thing that changes is the connection to the machine. Sometimes you can swap these, sometimes you cant. Just depends how good you are with electronics.

Last seen: 6 years 4 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 851
Virtually all of them are LVD

Virtually all of them are LVDS interface.

Virtually all of them use a different connector too.

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