Kevin R ose is an Id10t

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Barry's picture
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Kevin R ose is an Id10t

Anybody see his "mod" over at his site? [cough][\cough] Saw a link on He recieved a nano-itx board and hacked the hell out of it to fit it in a mini case, couldn't get a cdrom drive in there, didn't look like there is a power supply, and he never shows it boot. Freakin ruined two perfectly good computers.

Sorry, had to rant there for a sec.

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I agree... Seen it... Ruin

I agree... Seen it...

Ruined a PC and a Mac!

Kurenai's picture
Last seen: 18 years 2 months ago
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Lame mod indeed.

it might have been ok if he had gotten a slim CDRW in there and a decent heatsink, but thats just lame. could have at least used one of those really tiny AMD micro ATX boards(not the geode) and done it right. the way he wedged the harddrive in there was also pretty sad. sat where the cd drive should been and blocked most of the heatsink airflow.

If i get a free mac mini case, i might try that. but if i had a working mac mini... well i have a nice little computer right there, if i want to run windows program. virtual pc! or just get linux/unix ports(which are available for 90% of the things i do)

Anyway, speaking of rant over....

eeun's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
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I think y'all are missing the

I think y'all are missing the point of that, which was to compare PC vs. Mac mini computing power on a size-only basis.

I got the impression it was more of a demonstration than an actual hack.

It was made very clear the the mini kicks PC pants within that size constraint and doesn't even have a close rival on the PC side.

dankephoto's picture
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idiot or not, it's not bad for a quickee hack

However, no optical inside pretty much limits his bragging rights.

What happened to the miniMac's guts I wonder . . . Biggrin

dan k

Last seen: 12 years 7 months ago
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it was a case... just like th

it was a case... just like the G5 scare last year...

Jon's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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The Mini-Box M100 from [url]h

The Mini-Box M100 from is the closest I've seen size-wise. 20x4.4x22cm. It pales when you look at the features though...

eeun's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
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There's a couple of those som

There's a couple of those somewhat-embedded systems like the mini-box, including one from AMD that seems to be intended for getting developing nations connected.

There's a few listed in the recent news at mini-itx, including the Mac mini hack above.

On a more philosophical vein, it's interesting to note now that the PC age of speed is closing, with the possibility of Moore's Law slowing - possibly dramatically - that there are two movements quickly creating their own niches: the quiet PC, and the small PC.

TheUltimateMacUser's picture
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You're all over complicating things. Simply put: he's destroyed a perfectly good Mac, and thus he will burn in he||.

Eudimorphodon's picture
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Re: Hellbound

You're all over complicating things. Simply put: he's destroyed a perfectly good Mac, and thus he will burn in he||.

Last I checked destroying a computer of any sort wasn't one of the seven deadly sins, nor do I see it as being any sort of violation of the Ten Commandments. Perhaps there's something in Leviticus. I'm forgetting.

I do recall some pretty strict language regarding idolatry, however.

"Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of likeness, of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; Thou shalt not bow down unto them, nor serve them;"

You might want to be a bit more careful about casting the first stone.


Barry's picture
Last seen: 16 years 2 months ago
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Being a nongod type person, l

Being a nongod type person, looking at the rest of his site and the fact that he also ruined a really cool show on techtv, he will still burn in hell. Smile

Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago
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Your are so right. Now there

Your are so right. Now there will only be 1,874,362 Mac minis left. I would so rather someone go and mod a Apple I or a Altair.

In case you can't tell I am being sarcastic. It is just a piece of plastic and there will be millions made.

BDub's picture
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Macaholics Anonymous
Redrouteone just prompted the memory of this article, originally published in The 'Fritter, August 2003.
The 'Fritter - New Randomness Every Month

Macaholics Anonymous

Lately, both in the Applefritter Forums and the TALK chatroom, I've become increasingly aware of people who are fanatically devoted to their Mac. I've heard from people who hoard old Macs just to keep them from being thrown out, people who always have to have the very latest in technology to the point where their monthly computer payments exceed their mortgages, and people who keep a Newton or PowerBook strapped to their body at all times. All I can ask is: why? It seems that there's a long and a short answer. The short answer is that such people simply need to get out more. The long answer is much more complicated. Over the years, people have examined similar fanatical devotions, such as Dead heads and Trekkies. The one recurring thread in such examinations is addictive and obsessive/compulsive behavior. While the case of hoarding Macs definitely follows these lines, there are two other things running through the mind of the average Macaholic. It seems to me that Mac addicts seem to think of the Mac as a religion. They fight accusations from non-believers relentlessly, even if they're wrong. The Mac is superior, they believe, and flawless. Anyone having used both platforms extensively knows that each side has pros and cons, but devout Macaholics haven't used anything closely resembling Windows. They spew forth quotes from the Gospel According to Steve and, if transported to the complex at 1 Infinite Loop, would feel like they've gone to heaven - because, in their religion, they have. The other part to Macaholism is social. Macaholics certainly have friends, but if polled, most of them would say that their friends are also Macaholics. They've also formed a close personal bond with their Mac and peripherals, to the point of treating their hardware as if it were another person. They rescue Macs from dumpsters and buy them in pallet lots off of eBay because if they don't they feel like they've allowed a family member to die. They simply don't realize that the computer will end up in the trash some day anyway, whether it be a forced need to get rid of the hardware (such as a parent or spouse ordering their removal) or, much later on, when they die and their grandchildren clean out the house. From dust it was created, and to dust it shall return. No exceptions. I mean, it's just a computer. It's hardware. It's just plastic and glass and metal. Most Macaholics I encounter simply make me wonder when they'll snap out of it. Many times, it's just a phase, increasingly common in teenagers and 'tweens', and once they go off to college or get a significant other they snap out of it. Others, though, scare me. Some Macaholics are so far gone that they cringe when they hear the name Intel and make a diligent, conscious effort to keep any Microsoft software off of their computer. Some even regard Bill Gates as if he were Satan and are visibly shaken if someone they meet is found out to be a Windows user. Such Macaholics need help, and I'm not kidding here. Just like drug or alcohol addiction, it's a serious problem. If you exhibit the symptoms of Macaholism or know someone who does, professional counseling may be in order. I'm not trying to say that being a Mac fan is wrong. However, it is unhealthy to become addicted to and obsessive over mere physical possessions, and that's something anyone--even a Windows user--can agree with.
The author of this article can be contacted at
Barry's picture
Last seen: 16 years 2 months ago
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I'm not that bad, I use windo

I'm not that bad, I use windows, for games, bout the only good it is for. Hell, amd outnumbers moto and ibm in my house still! Although as much as I believe Uncle Steve is a fruit, B Gates really is Satan.... Smile

TheUltimateMacUser's picture
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BDub, i do not concider myself a Macahaulic

eeun's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
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I think the intent of bdub's

I think the intent of bdub's post was to bring some much-needed perspective to this thread.

And I quite agree with the sentiments of the article: it's just a computer. We like Macs, that's why we're all here, but they're just computers.

The differences between Macs and PCs, and even between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, just aren't that big nor important enough to justify the snobbishness and holier-than-thou attitudes.

The Czar's picture
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Re: Hellbound

Last I checked destroying a computer of any sort wasn't one of the seven deadly sins, nor do I see it as being any sort of violation of the Ten Commandments. Perhaps there's something in Leviticus. I'm forgetting.

I wouldn't want to take any chances. Ya never know, Stevie could be filling in for St. Peter the day you approach the Pearly Gates ;-).


The Czar

Eudimorphodon's picture
Last seen: 1 month 3 days ago
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Re: Hellbound

I wouldn't want to take any chances. Ya never know, Stevie could be filling in for St. Peter the day you approach the Pearly Gates ;-)

No offense, but I think the chances of Steve Jobs ending up as Big Gay Satan's new girlfriend far outweigh the possibility of him ever having any say in admissions to heaven.


Satan: How come you always want to make love to me from behind? Is it because you want to pretend I'm somebody else?

Steve Jobs: Satan, your ass is gigantic and red. Who am I going to pretend you are, Liza Minelli? And, oh, yeah. Yum! I love your lickable interface!


Last seen: 17 years 11 months ago
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The Fritter, that brings back

The Fritter, that brings back some memories.

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