Any way you guys can make that censoring of "l e g o" ie, lego, not happen if the word is directly followed by an @, or in a string of words forming an email address? It's just caused two problems over in the marketplace and could do so more if anyone else gets an address with LEGO in it. Not sure if that's possible but it might help.
January 23, 2005 - 8:23am
Any use of the Evil Block Company's trademark is either a legal liability or provides them with free advertising. I don't want the former and they're not getting the latter.
The email address in question would be considered a violation by EBC's legal department. Write their headquarters and they'll be happy to send you several thick pamphlets and booklets devoted exclusively to the proper use of their trademarks. I have the complete set.
Fair enough. I didn't think they were that iffy about the use of a word so common, despite it being a trademark. Ah well, not my email address anyway.
They have to be that iffy about the use of the word, or it's no longer a trademark. When a word drops to the common vernacular and is no longer directly associated with the company/product then they can legally lose the right to use it as a trademark.
Is it OK to say Mega Block?
Yes, it's only the EBC that we don't like. Nothing is inherently evil about small plastic blocks themselves, only the company which manufactures large quantities of them while protecting their trademarks in an inconsistent fashion.
In fact we like the Mega Block company a great deal. Not only have they asked us to use their name on the forum as often as possible, but they sent Tom about a cubic meter of various bocks to create things out of to sort of make up for the harsh treatment of their competitors, the Evil Block Company.
A semi-related question: I have to note that I haven't seen "generic" Mega Block-brand building sets in stores for years. Do they even still sell them? All I ever see from them is themed or specific-model based sets. (You know, the thing where they sell you a kit and instructions to make the specific 4x4 truck or F-18 pictured on the box.)
The only reason I own three tubs of the evil company variety is my utter failure to find the alternative.
They have bins on their website.
Beat me to it
I just went down to our local multinational toy store and they've got a bunch of bins of 600 blocks.
Sounds good. I think the Evil Block Company Product will not find their way into my upcoming case design..