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Well Nebraska did'nt have a white Xmas but we shure did have a white After Xmas! It was a litttle dissapointing for no snow on Xmas but we shure are haveing fun now. WEEEEE I LOVE SNOW! What about you? whats ur favorite season?
Like anyone would believe it could snow in Nebraska. Hilarious.
We just got a good 8 inches here in the Twin Cities (MN). In fact, we're under a snow emergency, so I'm waiting for the plows to go by so I can move my car.
Minneapolis / St. Paul.
It DID snow in Nebraska. I live in Omaha too. In fact it is clearing up thanks to the 34MPH. Winds we had over night. So...
Contrary to what some of y'all south of the border (and across the pond) may believe, it isn't normally all now, igloos and mushing huskies up here in Canada.
So right now, I say with immense sarcasm that I'm just tickled pink by the foot of snow and near-zero visibility storming around my house right now.
It's been -20C for a couple days now, and it's finally risen to around -10C, but only so that it can snow more efficiently.
I don't know which season is my favorite, but I know it's not winter.*
* especially when this month's heating bill arrives.
"Catmistake" - what part of the US do you hail from? Even Alabama has snow. Last time I went to visit my folks down south in the winter, It was snowing there. (I haven't visited my family down south for about 7 yrs. now, so....) Maybe you should check the facts before posting that.
P.S. Sorry about the criticism, I don't mean to bash on you.
I am in SE Tennessee. (Please, no "Suthern"
Anyway, if we are lucky, we might get a GRAND TOTAL of about 6-10 inches a snow PER YEAR. Yes, you add all of the inches for the 365 days in a year it might equal 6-10 inches.
Two days ago, it was almost 65F outside.
HOWEVER, in 1993, we got the biggest snow storm Chattanooga has seen in over 60 years. At my house, we had 24 inches in my front yard! There were 12 foot snow drifts! It CRIPPLED us. And you know the weird part? It was in MARCH.
Snow... hmmm... I thought that was a myth... y'know, like "It got below zero" or "a high temp of 7° "
Seriously, down here, we get snow an average of once every 4 years. And when we do, we're lucky to get an inch. And when we do, the temp the next day is usually 65°
I love the days - like the last coupla days - in January when I'm wearing shorts and a T to wash my car...
I really love the summers here. When some of y'all are whining about how hot it is where you are, just add 10°, and that's what it's like here... and I love it. When you can barbeque in the grill without fire, and you have to drink your beer within 3 minutes or it's to hot... That's just plain heaven, man...
or when you can fry an egg on your back patio...
In 1998 or 1999 we had 69 (i think) days with no rain and temps above 100, most being like 104 or 105. Every year we get one thats like 108 or 110.
We got some snow this year, like .0001 of an inch. in 1992 or 1993 (i think, I was 4 years old) we had like 5 inches.
HA! A high temperature of 7°? (and I assume you mean Fahrenheit). Try a high still air temperature of -27° (also in Fahrenheit, -42° with the wind chill) and ~12" of snow along with the 6" or so already on the ground. BUT! It gets better! Add in guests from the great state of Louisiana! They don't even know the beginning of the word "cold" down there.
Mind you, being a Canadian Prairie boy my entire life, I really didn't know the meaning of "hot" either till I spent a week in the Baton Rouge - New Orleans area. I wish I was back on that beach in Biloxi, Miss. right about now....
The Czar
YEA RIGHT! -42 BULL! You are so makeing this up! Anyone with a right mind can see that!
Do you realize that our snow storm got down to -29 C.K.? I was watching my thermostat and it did dip to that at our house.
Oh and did you you see the "with the wind chill" back in 1991, we had here a windchill of -69, and that was our record. Also, I remember that we had about 5' of snow in two days.
So, check you facts before debunking other people's experiences.
PS: almost nobody lies on this forum (except the ocassional few [cough] (S.L.) [/cough]
so please, don't accuse anyone unless you know their character.
bad boy
screw you
Maybe someone should lock the thread?