Items for sale (SE/30 Apple IIc+)

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Last seen: 7 years 10 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
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Items for sale (SE/30 Apple IIc+)

I have a couple of things for sale. Email w/ offers...

Mac SE/30:
- Macintosh SE/30 w/ 4MB RAM & 2GB HD (3 partitions... one w/ System
7.5.3, another w/ System 6.0.8 (w/ system picker to go between the
two), and another large one with quite a collection of ancient Mac and
Apple II software.) And of course the 1.44MB floppy making things easy
to get from the net to the SE/30.

- Korg AG-10 sound module. This was old Sound Module/MIDI
interface for sequencing and music composition. Besides the MIDI
interface, it has 32-voice Polyphony. Included (and installed) is the
software that came with it... a sequencer & MIDI jukebox. This auction
also includes the manuals that came with it (setup guide, sequencer,
and jukebox) and the serial cable and PS cord.

- Apple Keyboard (w/ cable)

- Apple Mouse

- Mouse stick II (possibly the coolest joystick for the old Macs)

- A complete set of System 7 disks and System 6 disks. Some other
software is included as well. Mac Tools utility suite, and a few games
on disk. (Though there are many more on the HD)

- The associated SE/30 manuals, "Open first to set up your Macintosh,"
"Getting started with your Macintosh," and "Macintosh Reference."

- A couple of game manuals, "Patton Strikes Back," "Vegas Video
Poker," and "UMS" (Universal Military Simulator."

Apple IIc+:
-Apple IIc+ (800K drive 3.5)

-3.5 PRODOS system disks, 5.25 DOS 3.3 system disks

-PRODOS guide, DOS 3.3 GUIDE

-The pretty rare, IIc+ 1MB memory expansion.

-Apple IIe/c joystick

-Laser 128 brand 5.25 Floppy

-Monitor IIc (9 inch green) pretty straight picture, has a slight curve.

Actually, I'm just thinking about selling the IIc+ right now. I guess it would depend on the offer. I have an old (512-style) Mcaintosh carry case I might be willing to throw in with the Mac, as well as a couple of Apple books & PASCAL books by third parties.

Last seen: 18 years 10 months ago
Joined: Jan 16 2005 - 19:44
Posts: 4
Apple IIc+

How much would you be willing to sell the IIc+ for and what is the condition of the item?

Last seen: 15 years 6 months ago
Joined: May 4 2004 - 13:52
Posts: 69
Apple IIc+

Likewise, I'm interested. How much would you guesstimate it weighs (I'm in Australia)?

Just the unit itself that is - no monitor or disk drives or anything else.

eeun's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: Dec 19 2003 - 17:34
Posts: 1895
Guys... first off, this is a

Guys... first off, this is a sale listing from 2004!

Secondly, please read the posting guidelines and send your questions by PM.

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