hey i have a couple of beige g3's and ive tried to get osx to install on them. i have had success with 10.2 and 10.3(useing xpostfacto) but they always crash every half an hour or so. if anyone has osx on theyre beige and it doesnt crash all the time could you please tell me how you got it not to crash or how you got it to run that good?????
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Both run 10.2.6 very well. Rock solid. Both are 266MHz towers. I didn't do anything extraordinary with them at all; just partitioned the drives as recommended by Apple and installed the OS on the first 8GB partition.
How much RAM do they have? If the quality of the chips is questionable at all, maybe try pulling some non-Apple chips out. Also try removing any third-party hardware to see if your stability improves. What have you got for hard drives in them? On one I ended up pulling out the SCSI card & drive; it wouldn't boot into OS X with them in. I just used an ATA drive, and all is well.
Obsolescence is just a lack of imagination.
If you must use XPostFacto, turn off sleep, it crashes computers brcause of the way it modifies the system.
Read the readme for it.
But 10.2 shouold work without XPostFacto
my beige is a mini tower a/v with a 14gb ibm ata drive that is partitioned to 8gb for the first and 6gb for the second it has 384mb of ram a scsi cd-r drive a stock zip drive a floppy drive a usb pci card and a twwin turbo video card that osx does not support so therefore i do not use it. and also i had a problem in 10.2 of the screen just turning of and not turning back on like its in stand by and it wont turn on but then if i restart it'll be fine. i thought that maybe i need to buy one of those radeon 7000 cards because alot of people that have osx on a beige have one of those. but i doont really have any money to spend on one. do i need one? also how do i tell if its apple ram because all it says is how big they are and a couple of numbers
Try removing the video card.
heres the update......
i decided to try to install 10.2 on another beige tower. its working flawlesly unlike my other tower.
heres my questions...
is your mini tower an a/v model or just the standard?
what size built in video ram does yours have 2mb 4mb or 6mb?
and does yours have a usb pci card in it?