...I'm up to my neck in them (well almost). I'm getting six a day on two accounts and have run out of people to hand them out to. Post a reply if you want one, or have a friend or family member that does (and no, I'm not donating them to US troops stationed overseas).
Edit: 30/11/04
Google has stopped sending me these blasted things and I finally have None Left!
I would like one if you please fine sir, please email me at opsterp@yahoo.com
Thanks in advance,
I would too
mak :coolmac:
I've got a few to give away, as well... contact me via PM here or at reverend.darkness@gmail.com
Why not?
I wouldn't mind a couple - [email]clae@tpg.com.au[/email]
'Cause quite frankly US troops shouldn't be overseas, particularly those in a certain middle eastern country (same goes for British troops).
I'm interested in an account - psobot at cogeco dot ca
Hey Reverend, I would not mind one of those. I will PM you.
I disagree. We'll leave it at that.
If there are any U.S. or British serving in the armed forces - especially overseas - that want a gmail account, they may contact me.
EDIT: I don't have any more.
Do you mind if i could have one.
Please email me at RJBloemsaat@hotmail.com
Hi, I hope you are still up to your neck in the invites and wanna kick one my way, if ya to could ya contact me at ticked02@hotmail.com ?
huh huh couldya huh???
You can contact me at pledoux@gmail.com
Tell me your from applefritter so I now who you are
hi my name is nestor I would like to have a gmail account please sened me a invite my email adress is nestorj96@hotmail.com
If you still have any, I would really appreciate one.
My email is span88888@yahoo.com
please email me at
Thank you very much.
dear sir,
can you spare an invite for a poor soul(my soul) this christmas? bless you my good man
by the way,
my e-mail is hkirene@mail.com
thanks and bless you again.
dear sir/madam,
can you spare a gmail invite for a poor sould (my soul) this christmas season?
my email address: hkirene@mail.com
thank you and bless you
I want to register a gmail,can anyone tell me where to register a account?
will anybody send me invitation?
my email dr_laxin@yahoo.com
sorry guysd i'm out
I have 5 gmail invites left. Anyone interested?
Thank you,
... and wouldn't send one to a Hotmail account, anyway...
EDIT: I don't have any more.
I wouldn't mind taking one - if you have any left that is.
I will give anyone a a gmail invitation if you click this link,sign up for an account, and complete a free offer for a free photo ipod. When you complete an offer it will list your email address to me and i will be able to send you the gmail invite. Thanx in advance! here is the link http://www.freephotoiPods.com/?r=11603364
Hi there. My name is Bianca and I was wondering if I could have a gmail invite? My email at the moment is just really bad. I dont know if u can help me but I was just surfin the net and I found out that you might be able to send me a invite?
Talk to you soon
Bianca (from New Zealand)
Could you please send me an Invitation? lpc921@msn.com
I've got six invites as well. If someone can piece together enough from what is available here on AF to send me a message to my gmail account, I'll reply back with an invite. Be sure to let me know you're from AF.
UPDATE: I've got 10 invites and not a single email requesting one. I guess noone wants to do a little bit of looking for a free GB of space... ::)
Bhagavat-Gita emphasizes repeatedly that the performance of Duty without attachment to the fruits thereof, is the path of Salvation.
“Thasmad asaktah satatam
kaaryam karma samaachara,
Asakto hyaacharan karma
Param aapnoti poorushah
1) I don't have any more gmail invites.
2) If you contact me from a free, web based email provider asking for an invite, you open yourself to venomous, vitriolic, vile, and voluminous verbosity. And some alliteration, too!
Sendme naked picture u
all women Send me naked picture u
email me at pledoux@gmail.com
If you have any more or get some, I would be interested in one?
I've got 12 invites to give away...
[quote]Bhagavat-Gita emphasizes repeatedly that the performance of Duty without attachment to the fruits thereof, is the path of Salvation.
“Thasmad asaktah satatam
kaaryam karma samaachara,
Asakto hyaacharan karma
Param aapnoti poorushah
I have 2 invites left, first two to send a PM gets them.
Please note you can't use a Hotmail address. Hotmail has blocked all traffic from gmail.
Ha! Is MS getting a little bit "server space" envy? Or were they losing too many users?
Does anyone still have have spare Gmail invites floating around - i'm looking for two.
please forward to:
bullwinkel at mailbox dot co dot za
I am currently out of invites and have been for a while now... sorry to not post this sooner.
If anyone has an invite I would greatly appreciate it! Please email me @ chris@watkinsflying.com
If you change your Passport Login to a Gmail acount you can still sign into MSN but none of your contacts will go online.. EVER.
It's quite funny. I created a Passport for my ISP Based e-mail and decided to change it to Gmail and that's what happened.
Switched e-mails back and voila contacts appeared.
I want an invitation!!! my e-mail: iq_138@hotmail.com
my e-mail: iq_138@hotmail.com
Hey could you please get me an invite for a gmail acount? My email is Redwing4life@yahoo.com. Thank You
hi, maybe somebody can give me invites? Please and thanx
I have 6 and am willing to give them away. First 6 PM's take 'em.
The Czar
anyone can pls offer me one??
my email is chrischoo00@yahoo.com
I have 50, just PM me with you email address.
Could I get an invitation? jason.crockett@earthlink.net