My poor TV

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Dr. Webster's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 22 min ago
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My poor TV

Well, my beloved 13" Sony TV took a little dive the other day. It fell a couple feet onto carpet, and while the electronics are fine, the casing is not looking too good. I've called all sorts of parts suppliers and they don't have the casing available. I called Sony Parts and while they have the casing, they want $50 just to ship it.

So does anyone out there either
1) know of a good parts supplier, or
2) has a similar TV that they'd be willing to donate the casing from?

The TV I have is model KV-13M52, but IIRC the casing from a 13M20, 13M40, or 13M53 will work too.

Last seen: 7 years 10 months ago
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Personally, for a 13 inch tv,

Personally, for a 13 inch tv, I would just make do with Duct Tape and a hot glue gun. Or mod it into an old 14 inch performa display if i was really nuts about it.

Do you have a picture? I'm curious to see just how bad it looks.


g3head's picture
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I'd lean more towards a creative case, like his own Keg Mac idea (just add scan converter and a Mac) or a plexi case

Dr. Webster's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 22 min ago
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Posts: 1761
Well, the case isn't that bad

Well, the case isn't that bad cosmetically. When it fell, it landed on the front corner, so a little bit of it is missing. THe real problem is that the internal screw tubes that hold the front and back shells together broke off, so the case won't stay closed. I've made do with duct tape but I'd rather just get this thing fixed.

If anything, I've seen similar TVs on eBay for $20, but they want $30 for shipping. Anybody in the Ontatio, CA area who would be willing to pick up and ship one of those for me?

crosby_sb's picture
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Buy a new one and make the old one a sonyquarium.

Anyway, did you experiece an earthquake or something thyat made it fall. This reminds me of something out of MacWorld, "scratches build character". I guess you could morph that into something kinf of like this, "Broken cases in 13″ Sony TV model #KV-13M52 build character." Also The bottom stand on my blue imac broke off when my 'friend' droped it! Sad Check out my photo gallery to see what I mean. Anyway is there some way I can fix this problem without ductape and hot glue? Can I buy the sand thing separatly from apple?

Crosby :coolmac: :macos:

P.S. This is my longest comment I have ever made! Dirol

Dr. Webster's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 22 min ago
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No, nothing interesting made

No, nothing interesting made it fall. I had just picked it up from my girlfriend (who had kept it in storage) and put it on the living room chair while I hung my coat up. Well, my f**king cat decided to jump on the chair and sniff the TV, but when she did, the TV fell to the floor.

I'd make a Sonyquarium if it weren't for two things:

1. The TV still works (I'd hate to throw out working guts)
2. I don't have the money for a new one.

If anyone wants to donate money towards a new Sony, perhaps one of the ones on eBay I mentioned above, that would be great. If enough people donated, I'd make a Sonyquarium and raffle off the innards.

performaman's picture
Last seen: 18 years 7 months ago
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Well, I'll build my own TV, with plexiglass, and EL string...

You could build a clear plexiglass case, mount the TV in there and run EL string inside it.
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-Linus Torvalds

dankephoto's picture
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better late than never . . . :-)

Chances are the case is made of ABS. Get some solvent type glue and fix it. I use Ambroid ProWeld, but I'm sure there's other similar stuff out there. It's just what I would reach for first were I confronted with your problem. With ProWeld I've fixed all types of things, from badly cracked PowerBooks to junky plastic toys to automobile parts.

I got ProWeld from Tower hobbies online, but your local hobby shop probably has it or something similar.


Dan K


Dr. Webster's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 22 min ago
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Well, I managed to get a new

Well, I managed to get a new front bezel for it. I called Sony back on a whim and talked with someone who seemed to know a bit more about it, and it turns out that shipping for the part would only be $7. So for $35 plus $7 shipping I got a brand new front bezel (apparently only one of a handful they have left--the lady said that they only had 12 left in stock, and when they were gone, that was it). So now I have my TV back.

LTong's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
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That's amazing! I would have

That's amazing! I would have never thought they actually keep parts like that in stock. I've always thought of TVs as a disposable item, as opposed to say computers or cars, when they break or malfunction, your SOOL. Glad to hear you got it taken care of though. If you didn't find a replacement part, I would have seconded the glue option. I used plastic bonding glue on a fawcet handle when it shattered into a dozen pieces, after building the puzzle of clear plastic and securing it with the glue, it was good as new, and still clear in most places, because the glue actually fused the pieces back into one.
PS: I can vividly imagine my cat doing the same thing in any number of similar situations.
[b]Logan Tong[/b]

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