Mandrake on Bondi

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Last seen: 20 years 2 months ago
Joined: Jan 13 2005 - 18:54
Posts: 4
Mandrake on Bondi

I downloaded the Mandrake 10.1 CD's from their web site and checked the md5, everything is ok. Burnt the CD's using Nero Burning Rom, not express by clicking on recoreder burn image (on a PC). Stuck the CD in tried a boot and it wouldn't. Went into OS 9 and it can't read the disk. If anything happens at all it pops up and says the CD is a DOS format and asks me to initialize it. I tried a boot from the firmware and says bad 0 block. I tried a different CD and burnbed it using Nero express, same thing. I tried a third time with an app called Alcohol 120%, same thing.

I am pretty certain it is the way I am burning the CD's. Any suggestions? Thanks guys.

p.s. This is all cuz OS X will not load on this Mac, OS 9 runs great though and the CD works fine with music CD's and the OS 9 CD, not to mention an MS Office CD, etc. So the CD-ROM is working great.

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Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 2804
If it is seeing a DOS formatt

If it is seeing a DOS formatted CD, then something might be wrong. Does your OS 9 install have the UFS filesystem extension? Is the disk readable on the PC? Are you really buring the image AS a CD and not buring the image file ON a CD? It's looks like you know the difference in your post. I'm guessing you've seen this Mdk page?

As for OS Secret Have you updated the firmware of the iMac? Have you recently tried to boot from an OS X CD? Is it a RAM problem, or a disk space problem?

iBook 600,iMac 350 BB,UMAX c500/240,PM7100/66/G3-240,PCC PW120,512k, Plus,SE,SE FDHD,SE/30,IIsi,IIci/040,Q605,Q660/AV,Q700,Q800 PPC,P460,P475,LC 580,P5200 w/ 5500/250 MLB,PB165,PB150,Duo 280,Duo 280c&Dock II,PB 520c
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Last seen: 20 years 2 months ago
Joined: Jan 13 2005 - 18:54
Posts: 4
Yes I did make sure I burnt i

Yes I did make sure I burnt it as a Cd and not an ISO. As for OS X, I have tried both sticks of RAM independantly. I have formated with OS 9 and then tried and then tried by formating with the disk util in OS X setup. Firmware is updated. The iMac at one time worked with OS X fine with the same hardware. In fact I upgraded it for that purpose. It reads the OS CD fine and runs through the instal then when it reboots the display comes up, chimes, etc and then about 10 seconds into boot the OS X spash screen gets some weird scribbly lines through it and the iMac crashed. I have to unplug it to reboot it as the power button won't repsond. I have not tried to take the video RAM upgrade out as it worked before, but I'm nearly to that point. Thanks!

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Re: Yes I did make sure I burnt i

Yes I did make sure I burnt it as a Cd and not an ISO.

But, but... it is an ISO!

When the disk you burned is inserted into your PC, what do you see? A bunch of folders, and probably some "README.TXT" files, or do you see the image you downloaded? If it's the latter, you did it wrong.


Last seen: 20 years 2 months ago
Joined: Jan 13 2005 - 18:54
Posts: 4
Yeah, some folders and the re

Yeah, some folders and the readme files. That how I figured out the firmware boot Smile Sorry, shoulda mentioned that.

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