My Mac Plus is working great- but with an anoying real time clock problem: I can set the clock, hour, minutes, seconds etc- the date- all is ok, but: the clock is going very slow. I have negative time difference of up to 2-3 hours/day. What is that? The battery is fine- I have checked it- I have even exchanged the clock quarz- no change. I have tried anything- there is no description for this error in any forum.
Shall I exchange the RTC chip (real time clock chip)??
Any suggestion will be appreciated very much,
just get a new plus off ebay.
Is it losing the same amount of time each day? When did you notice it starting this?
I've got no idea why it's not working, just asking any questions that might jog an answer.
>Is it losing the same amount of time each day? When did you notice it starting this?
Yes, the Mac loses the same amount of time each day.
This was the reason why I decided to exchange the Quarz crystal - but without any change. I think, the internal clock oszillator controlled by the RTC chip is going too slow.
To me, that sounds like a good idea. If you're sure you can do it properly, then can it really hurt to try? If it works, then we've got something for some fellow to Google in a few months when they run into the same thing.
I'm more of a software guy, but now I'm curious.
Sell it on ebay as a time machine.
I recently overclocked my PC and it was doing the same thing, found out it was a wrong jumper setting. I think I clocked the board wrong (was also freezing up when I accessed media (mp3, avi, wmv))
Does the oscillator clock the board, or does it control just the timer chip. If the machine was overclocked, you might have set the resisters wrong.
thanks for the informations.
I just installed a replacement motherboard in my Mac Plus.
The problem is gone now.
It's definitively the real time clock chip.
There was no accelerator installed in my machine- no problems due to overclocking.