I need some extra money and I am getting rid of my mac collection I have.
•A LCIII with original documentation,and software
•A performa 6300cd
•A Performa 640CD Dos Compatible
•And pretty munch all the parts from a powerbook wallstreet. (I burned a whole in the case everything works)
Is the WallStreet complete? is any thing wrong(mechanically)?what are the specs?PLEASE REPLY!!!!!!!! :macos:
imacg3, what happened to the deal we had with the thinkpad? Could you please send me a PM?
lisius_kent, sorry for the thread hijack. I'll delete this post once imacg3 has sent me a PM or email.
I for one get the impression that imacg3 will have a textual orgasm at the mention of any Apple laptop, and splutter things out about trading a ThinkPad... I'd be interested to know if one of these deals is ever actually completed.
I for one have no idea what that person is yalking about.
The only thing that I can think is wrong with this machine is that I bought a 20gb HD for it and it acts exctreemly wierd, and some screws are missin. That is it.
Who? Me?
*Sorry* cHeck your PM mailbox...
I am not going to offer the thinkpad...think before talking!!! >:(
I am finally getting a PBG3,and I need some parts.
I need:
Dis play cables
CDand or floppy drive(s)
PMU board.PLEASE REPLYASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks!!!!!!!!
Il give you the keybard, and cd, and the floppy drice... your offer?
Hi!Thanks for repliing!How about $35 for those parts? Also,How big is the display?Thanks!!!Reply ASAP!!!
how about 40$ for the whole machine with 192MB of ram? It has a 13.3 in. display.
Wow! I can purchase the entire machine! is the AC Adapter included?HD?etc...?Please email me at g3laptop@yahoo.com Thanks!!!!!!!!Reply ASAP!!!!!!!
that was a bargain++
did the deal go through? :o
I asked to pay with money order,not paypal...Im waiting for a reply,though! :macos: