Dell Laptop not included and you don't want it anyway lol
Selling off a box of Apple II stuff I had left over.
FEMU Rev C w/sd card, cable, dsub adapter, and daisy chainer
CH Apple II joystick
Yellowstone disk controller card
Original rev fujinet (IIRC), works on the yellowstone card
Take everything pictured for $240 shipped in the US! I take paypal, venmo, or zelle.
Have available separately from the above
IIGS special!FloppyEMU RevC w ribbon and dsubMicrodrive Turbo card, w/CF adapter and 512MB card 2x 3d printed DSUB covers for FEMU devices$150 USA shipping included for this 2nd bundle.
Hey! Is that original bundle still available? I'm interested if yes!
Yes, I'll send you a private message. Thank you!