Apple1 Mandelbrot Demo

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Apple1 Mandelbrot Demo

Hi, Enthousiasts!

Sorry for being mostly a lurker. My friend SiliconInsider made me an Apple1, which I obviously love. He also created a few cards for the Apple1. For his new 64K RAM/ROM card,  I wrote a assembly Mandlbrot demo.


I quite like the result, it generates the set as fast as the Apple1 can display and randomly zooms 5 times. It makes for a cool demo.


Here is a blog post about the internal of the code


The github with the source code and binaries


Watch this youtube video for a demo 

Have fun! 

PS: I have another more sophisticated Apple1 software to be "officially" released :-)

Last seen: 2 months 3 days ago
Joined: Aug 18 2020 - 04:43
Posts: 29
Ooops, wrong link

(can't edit the post)


I failed at linking: the github repository is here

Last seen: 2 hours 35 min ago
Joined: May 4 2021 - 06:35
Posts: 179
Nice!The output is very close


The output is very close to the porting for Apple-1 Applesoft BASIC I shared a few months ago:  [it's the last program in the page]


But, of course, it is way faster and also iterative.

I'd like to add it to my repository and SD card, with your permission.

If so, would you be so kind to send me the binary file? (via DM or email) Thank you!


Well done! :-)



Claudio - P-LAB






Last seen: 2 months 3 days ago
Joined: Aug 18 2020 - 04:43
Posts: 29
Your program was the one we

Your program was the one we wanted to include in the RAM/ROM card. Unfortunately, it uses AppleSoft BASIC which is not on the card, hence I decided to write one in assembly. I took the original "palette" out of yours! You can consider yourse;f as the grandfather of Mandelbrot65 :-)


I'll be happy if you take it and spread it, that why it was done. Btw, the program has been released under the MIT license, so anyone can do exactly what they want with it.



Commented source code and binary can be found in the github:


Have fun, and if you have any issue, let me know!

Last seen: 2 hours 35 min ago
Joined: May 4 2021 - 06:35
Posts: 179
Thanks, added!

Hi Fred,

Yes, the "palette" looked quite familiar!

Great, thank you for the infos, I've just added MANDELBROT65 to the SDCARD archive page  (directory MCODE).


I've tried it, of course, and it works perfectly! Plus, it's "insanely" fast! :-D





I think it's quite enjoyable and ideal for public events, shows, etc.


Thank you for sharing! :-)



Claudio - P-LAB




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