Apple II Europlus garbage boot screen

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Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
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Apple II Europlus garbage boot screen
Image icon IMG_6267.jpeg3.22 MB
Image icon IMG_6268.jpeg2.72 MB


I'm trying to revive my old Apple II Europlus, but I have a trashed boot screen when I power it up. The speaker make the startup bip, but then it halt there. Eventually, some random noise happen in the speaker. Does this screen mean something, or it's just trashed?


Thanks :-)

macnoyd's picture
Last seen: 5 hours 21 min ago
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It's not trashed ...

It's not trashed.  I'd be "reseating" all the chips to insure there is better connection in the sockets.  You likely have oxidation on the pins after all these years, but there is also a chance a memory chip or (less likely) a ROM IC bit the dust.

Try carefully re-seating the IC's first.

guibrush's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
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ok, Il will do that. What do

ok, Il will do that. What do you mean with "it's not trashed" ? Does this pattern mean anything?

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The pattern doesn't mean anything
guibrush wrote:

ok, Il will do that. What do you mean with "it's not trashed" ? Does this pattern mean anything?


Except for the fact that something is not working correctly :-)

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 guibrush wrote:ok, Il will


guibrush wrote:

ok, Il will do that. What do you mean with "it's not trashed" ? Does this pattern mean anything?

If you're getting a "beep" when powering on, then you know the CPU, ROM, and at least some of the RAM is working. My guess is that you are seeing the Page2 Text screen on the monitor instead of Page1. You could verify this with some simple commands typed in (blindly) such as CALL-151 and 800:B1 B2 B3 B4 and see if the characters in the upper left of the screen change.


If I'm correct, then the 74LS259 at location F14 would be the culprit. You could start by removing it and cleaning its pins. As others have said, this would be a good idea to do for all of the chips.

guibrush's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
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thanks for the tip, I will

thanks for the tip, I will try that!

Last seen: 3 hours 42 min ago
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See also my earlier post

See also my earlier post about a problem that is comparable to yours:



guibrush's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
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Tanks for the tip, you where right! I borrowed a 9334 on the diskII controller and tried it on the mobo, and bingo!

What I have now is that some keys are self repeating for two or three times when I press them, but not all. Not sure if this is related, it's certainly another problem.


Many, many thanks for your help! Now my II europlus live again.

Last seen: 3 hours 42 min ago
Joined: Oct 4 2021 - 05:31
Posts: 64
That's great news!  I think

That's great news!  

I think the key-problem could be a loose contact in the key switches maybe? And did you clean the keyboard IC socket on the motherboard? I use Kontakt 60 for that.


Good luck!

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