Trouble copying disk to FloppyEmu blank disk

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Trouble copying disk to FloppyEmu blank disk

I use my FloppyEmu (FE) quite often. It is a great accesory for the Apple II. I am having a problem copying any 5.25 disk to a blank disk image on my FloppyEmu (FE). I am using an Rev C FE with Apple II firmware version F29. I've verified that the FE SD card disk images are not locked. I have also successfully made copies of the 5.25 disk using a second 5.25 disk drive and diskette. The 5.25 disk is not copy protected and have used COPYA and Prodos Filer Volume copy to successfully copy the disk to another diskette using second 5.25 disk drive. When I disconnect the second 5.25 disk drive and connect the FE as the second disk drive I cannot copy the 5.25 disk. The BLANK1.dsk image on the FE is an 140k DOS 3.3 disk image. When I select this disk image using the FE NEXT and SELECT commands the FE LCD shows BLANK1.DSK  140K DOS 3.3   Track 00   Idle,    NEXT:  Eject Disk.  With COPYA or Prodos volume copy I get an *** UNABLE TO WRITE *** erros message on my computer when the COPY or Volume copy application tries to write to the FE.  The FE LCD screen has WRITE ERROR  Saved trk 00 in 333. At the lower left of the LCD is the number 61. 

I've tried to copy the disk to the FE disk image using a couple of different Apple II computer configurations -- my Apple IIGS using Apple 5.25 drive , my Platinum Apple IIe using Apple 5.25 drive and my Apple II Plus using Apple Disk II and Disk II controller card.

 Have others experienced this problem? 

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Use woz format disk images

Most volume copy utilities also do low-level stuff (formatting), which doesn't work with "dsk" images. You would need to use a file-based copy utility and copy the disk content file by file. Otherwise, use the "woz" format for the blank disk images in FloppyEmu. The "woz" image files will work with volume copies.

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If you create a blank disk

If you create a blank disk image on the FEMU, you'll generally have to format it before you can use it.

DOS: INIT HELLO, then copya for non-copy protected material.

ProDOS: Use Copy II Plus and file copy...


Or do it the easy way and just manipulate your disk images with CiderPress, which solves a multitude of disk image issues.

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Easy workaround for COPYA
old_hitech wrote:

With COPYA or Prodos volume copy I get an *** UNABLE TO WRITE *** erros message on my computer when the COPY or Volume copy application tries to write to the FE.

As MacFly wrote earlier, one possible workaround is to choose a different kind of disk image, like .woz or .nib

Another workaround is to edit COPYA to enable it to write onto .DSK files with FloppyEmu:

Steps to copy a disk to DSK image with FloppyEmu
1. Boot the disk image for DOS 33 MASTER.DOOn FloppyEmu, the disk image for DOS33 MASTER.DO  is located in the Utilities folder.
2. At the command prompt type "LOAD COPYA" and press Return.(If your computer's prompt is a > then type "LOAD COPY" and press Return.)
3. After the program loads, insert a modification into the program by typing "222 FT=1" and press Return.This enables COPYA to copy onto images in .DSK or .DO or .PO
4. Type "RUN" and press ReturnNow carefully set the source and target disk settings.  After the program has started, be sure to eject DOS33 MASTER.DO from  FloppyEmu so you don't overwrite it!


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Posts: 120
Individual file copy worked

I used Copy II Plus application and used the file copy option. I was able to select all the files on the disk and transfer them to blank .dsk file on my Floppy Emu. I formatted the blank .dsk file on my MacBook using Virtual II Apple II emulator. In my case I used INIT HELLO command for a DOS 3.3 blank disk. I transferred the blank .dsk file to the FloppyEmu SD card then connected it to my Apple IIe computer. Booted up Copy II Plus and copied the individual files from my original 5.25 disk. This process worked great. Thanks for the help. 

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