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Must say, my A-1 with no reliability mods, is totally glitch free, has never crashed and having the ACI, BASIC and A1 Assembler in the case makes it usable.
I also dont use leads from the ACI direct to the cassette, I have put a port in the case to connect through.
Works really well.
But, hey ho.
One more question if I may... Can you show how your memory map is configured in the middle of the motherboard with both the Woz BASIC and A1 assembler set up?
That would be great to know to make sure I have mine set up correctly.
Hi, I think the connections should be Y-F, Z-D, R-C, W-1 X-0, S-E.
W, X & Y are ones I kinda figured because of the solder pads.
What about T? to 9? For the A1 assembler at 9000 from the left EPROM on the card?
The rest of what you said makes sense. R is one I was kinda wondering about.
On the selection panel I have
X --- 0 RAM > 0000 to 0FFF (close the ready made jumper on the PCB)
W --- 1 RAM > 1000 to 1FFF (Remove normal link to E and close the ready made jumper on the PCB)
R --- c ACI > C000 to CFFF (normally already fitted)
S --- E Socket U1 E000 to EFFF - BASIC
T --- 9 Socket U2 9000 to 9FFF - A1 Assembler built to run at 9000
Assuming the connectors are fitted onto the side it says 'fit here' and inserted such that the sockets face back across the board and the cards are fitted components up, then BASC and the Assembler should work.
OK, I think I got it all now...
Y -> F
Z -> D
R -> C
S -> E
T -> 9
W -> 1
X -> 0
Yep, thats it.
Perfect... I'm really surprised that this hasn't been presented in such a straightforward way on this site before... I spent a lot of time googling and never came up with anything simple and easy to understand on how to configure memory on an Apple-1...
Remember that it is user configurable so in theory, some designer may wish to repatch certain devices to different locations.
The A1 Assembler for instance can be found built for different locations in the map. I just used the one at 9000.
It does look as if the A1 was originally designed for memory to exist contiguously at 0000 to 0FFF and 1000 to 1FFF as the W line has a solder bridge track to '1' but its normally jumpered to E000 for BASIC.
Wonder why BASIC had to be at E000 ?
In post #60, Gary C asked:
"Wonder why BASIC had to be at E000 ?"
Uncle Bernie answers:
Early photos of the two Steves demonstrating the brand new Apple-1 (BYTE SHOP or "non NTI" version) shows it had a 4k DRAM bank "X" but an empty bank W. This 4k was all what you got for $666.66. However, the "stuff" on the screen looks as if it was printed by a BASIC loop. If you look closely, there is a contraption plugged into the edge connector which looks like a small PCB, just large enough to hold 8 EPROMs in DIL-24 packages, all ICs hidden from sight by tape. These photos are here on Applefritter in some thread I have no time to look for, sorry.
I think that this "contraption" was a 4k Byte EPROM module with the BASIC.
I made the point in that thread that this can be regarded as a sort of ROM cartridge (as seen in the Fairchild Channel F video game console of 1976 and the Atari VCS introduced in September 1977). Alas, no ROM manufacturer would make a mask and produce only 100 ROMs. And EPROMs were quite expensive back then. So it was inevitable that they had to repurpose the DRAM bank "W" to hold the BASIC interpreter. AFAIK, Woz wrote that one by hand so relocation would have been to tedious. But this is a conjecture of mine.
- Uncle Bernie
Your probably right
The circuit board does seem to indicate that both banks of RAM were originally intended to be at 0000 & 1000 given the PCB solder bridge.
With the last child out of the house, I now have a room for me :)
Apple-1 now has its own place and been playing this evening.
With some standoff's the EPROM and ACI cards are now installed and work perfectly.
The little Olympus dictaphone works really well too. Has a slide out USB plug so you can copy files into its memory from the PC without having to mess about with wires, charges through the USB port too.
Using the fixed wires to the ACI as the external port is being re-sited but the lid will be closed soon.
Still havent had a crash though.
Its famous :)
My Apple-1 made it on to the UK's BBC TV news this morning :)
They did a piece from our Museum which opened to the public for the first time on Saturday and it was one of the featured machines.
Nice! If the video shows up on the BBC's web site or something, please link it for us.
Will do :)
Only a short piece that was shown in two sections but Hey, Im not complaing.
The north west computer museum is now open, Leigh spinners mill, Leigh, Manchester UK.
Nice museum, a lot of exhibits, I would like to see everything myself, but apparently in the next life...
Nice collection you've got there!