I have a box of assorted "stuff" from my 2e that I am selling as a mystery box. The box contains (1) Grappler+ (2) Grappler Bufferboard (3) two Timemaster HO ver 4 and 5 (for your time machins), (4) two floppy controllers for 5.25 drives, (5) lots of 5.25 software - some original and some pirated (6) 1 Ramworks fully populated with max memory (7) some documents (some assorted chips) (8) even have some Mac 3.5 software. Pretty good deal for $30 plus shipping
PM incoming.
If that original response doesn't go through, I'll throw my name into the interested group.
Your price isn't a "pretty good deal", you're nearly giving that stuff away. Grappler+ alone often sells on eBay around $30. TimeMaster HO... $50-60 each. Floppy controllers, $35-$40 each. Fully populated RAMWorks, probably at least $100. So your price is about 1/10th what I would list that stuff for and expect it to sell easy.
If that's what you want to do, that's your perogative, just letting you know. I don't really need any of that stuff, so I will let it go to others rather than be a piggy, because I'd just be tempted to flip most of it.
I'll just be transparent and say I reached out and purchased the items. I don't plan on reselling any of them in the short term; I have 5-6 Apple II systems and I'll get a lot of good use out of this stuff. Things I don't need I will likely pass on to people who are young and starting the hobby, or I'll post them here for postage costs.
First order of business is getting the [original?] batteries off the Time Master cards, everything else looks great. OP is a stand up gentlemen. This felt like more of a secret santa box than a purchase.
I come from an arcade community which always believed in keeping items in the forum group for reasonable prices, and I get the same community feeling here. If people got caught buying things off the forums and flipping on eBay they were labelled "dolphins" (flipper pun) and banned or shunned. My eBay name is the same as my forum handle, and while I know nobody is accusing me of being a flipper, it's all in the open :)
The formatting on your message got messed up... This is what I think should have been there. Note: "Raso222"'s stuff, not mine...
"I have more stuff.
(1) lots of books on A2 software including Stratigic Simulations Balance of Power with docs (original)
(2) Lots of back-up for Infocom (back-ups like Locksmith created ones)
(3) Beagle Bros utilities
(4) Old versions of Appleworks
(5) Copy programsI also have Mac CD's of Photoshop ver 7, Acrobat ful ver 5, Illustrator 9 and 10 - all full educational versions with cases, DAVE software to link up to 5 macs, OS 9, 8 and 7.6I have 3 SCSI Mac hard drives and cables and terminators.
I'd sell for the minimum plus postage.
I give any profits to the no-kill animal shelter in NJ."
Depending on what you were looking for that seems like quite a bit. I'm not totally clear on the rules of the education Adobe stuff as I know they had rules but hell if I remember. Best I don't remember... ;-)