Hi! I am working on my AuxMemApple library for the Apple2/cc65. It is a memory extender that allows the usage of aux memory from cc65 programs. I believe it's better than cc65's em libraries because it provides a way to access any byte or word in aux memory and string and memory functions that mirror the standard memory and string functions. The library works so far. Right now, I need to provide a way to reconnect the RAM drive at the end of the program, some demo programs and to write the manual. Then, the first beta should be ready to upload.
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I spent the past hour trying to get an Apple2enh port of my MadLib program to compile. The latest error was a Memory Area Not Found error from the linker on the "HIGHCODE" segment. I used the grepWIn utility to search for the name. I didn't find it. :( I'm using a custom config and a recent version of cc65. Following are the config file:
# Configuration for ProDOS 8 system programs (allowing for 3KB in LC)
SYMBOLS { __EXEHDR__: type = import; __FILETYPE__: type = weak, value = $00FF; # ProDOS file type __STACKSIZE__: type = weak, value = $0800; # 2k stack __LCADDR__: type = weak, value = $D400; # Behind quit code __LCSIZE__: type = weak, value = $0C00; # Rest of bank two __PRODOS_NUMFILES__: value = 4, type = weak; # max. # files open at a time}MEMORY { ZP: file = "", define = yes, start = $0080, size = $0080;#ProDOS's file buffers, large enough for four files. PDIO: start = $1000, size = $1000, define = yes; HEADER: file = %O, start = $2000 - $003A, size = $003A; MAIN: file = %O, define = yes, start = $2000, size = $BF00 - $2000; BSS: file = "", start = __ONCE_RUN__, size = $BF00 - __STACKSIZE__ - __ONCE_RUN__; LC: file = "", define = yes, start = __LCADDR__, size = __LCSIZE__;#Keyboard buffer and BASIC's ML buffer. Probably not used by most cc65 programs. KEYBUF: file = "keyb", start = $0200, size = $0200, define = yes;#Unused memory between the screen buffer and the beginning of the#file buffers. LOWBUF: file = "lowmem", start = $0800, size = $0800, define = yes; AUXMEM: file = "auxro", define = yes, start = $0800, size = $B800;}SEGMENTS { ZEROPAGE: load = ZP, type = zp; EXEHDR: load = HEADER, type = ro, optional = yes; STARTUP: load = MAIN, type = ro; LOWCODE: load = MAIN, type = ro, optional = yes; CODE: load = MAIN, type = ro; RODATA: load = MAIN, type = ro; DATA: load = MAIN, type = rw; INIT: load = MAIN, type = rw; ONCE: load = MAIN, type = ro, define = yes; LC: load = MAIN, run = LC, type = ro, optional = yes; BSS: load = BSS, type = bss, define = yes; KEYBRO: load = KEYBUF, type = ro, define = yes, optional = yes; KEYBRW: load = KEYBUF, type = rw, define = yes, optional = yes; KEYBBSS: load = KEYBUF, type = bss, define = yes, optional = yes; LOWCO: load = LOWBUF, type = ro, define = yes, optional = yes; LOWRO: load = LOWBUF, type = ro, define = yes, optional = yes; LOWRW: load = LOWBUF, type = rw, define = yes, optional = yes; LOWBSS: load = LOWBUF, type = bss, define = yes, optional = yes; AUXRO: load = AUXMEM, type = ro, define = yes, optional = yes; AUXRW: load = AUXMEM, type = rw, define = yes, optional = yes; AUXBSS: load = AUXMEM, type = bss, define = yes, optional = yes;}FEATURES { CONDES: type = constructor, label = __CONSTRUCTOR_TABLE__, count = __CONSTRUCTOR_COUNT__, segment = ONCE; CONDES: type = destructor, label = __DESTRUCTOR_TABLE__, count = __DESTRUCTOR_COUNT__, segment = RODATA; CONDES: type = interruptor, label = __INTERRUPTOR_TABLE__, count = __INTERRUPTOR_COUNT__, segment = RODATA, import = __CALLIRQ__;}-----------------------
and the build batch file:
@echo off
::You may need to change the path in the folowing line:cl65 -t apple2enh -C apple2enh-system_aux_prodosi.cfg -Ors -o madlib.system main.c altinput.c getmod.c writestory.c stories.c loadmain.c print.s printi.s zeropage_vars.s rand.s strlen2.s auxmemapple.lib prodosi.lib a2simpio.lib
java -jar g:\quick\ac.jar -d madlib.dsk madlib.system java -jar g:\quick\ac.jar -as madlib.dsk madlib.system SYS < madlib.systemjava -jar g:\quick\ac.jar -d madlib.dsk auxro java -jar g:\quick\ac.jar -p madlib.dsk auxro BIN < auxrojava -jar g:\quick\ac.jar -d madlib.dsk lowmemjava -jar g:\quick\ac.jar -p madlib.dsk lowmem BIN < lowmempause--------------------------
BTW, sorry I couldn't supply them as attachments: I don't see the option in the reply page. :(
Never mind: I found the error: I neglected to update the library file. It seems to work now. :)
I've done a lot of debugging and found the cause of one of the errors in the demo: the first executable line in the main() function is a call to my A2SimpleIO library's prints() function. When I replace it with puts(), it works. Otherwise, the code I added to the stub-loading code that displays the filename returns garbage. I fixed the prints() function's declaration to __cdecl__ and get different garbage. So, the prints() function is causing the problem. I'm wondering if it's a disagreement in the stack offset. I can simply leave it as puts() but really want to use A2SimpleIO. The version of A2SimpleIO online is utdated, so I will attach the code for prints() here:
;Print a string of no more than 256 bytes using the kernal.;As the routine is __fastcall__, the pointer already is in .X.A..proc _prints sta ptr1 ;Store pointer. stx ptr1+1 ldy #0 ;Start at offset 0.@a: lda (ptr1),y ;Load current char. beq @exit ;Exit if null/EOS. ;phy jsr _printc ;Print. ;ply iny ;Advance until end of 256 bytes. bne @a@exit: rts.endproc
;Address of kernal output routine for direct calls. The character is;already in .A._printc:;=COUT ;pha ;lda #$FF ;sta $32 ;plaBIT $C082 ora #$80 jsr COUT bit $C080 rts
I am able to get around the bug. I just have to warn users to not use A2SimpleIO functions before loading a stub into low memory via my Cubbyhole technique, that's all.
I solved the bug: I forgot to initialize Aux memory. I needed to disable the RAM drive to make Aux RAM usable. :)