Lately i've tryed everything to sell my macs on ebay.. it smeems they arnt even worth much more then computer scrap these days...
Long story short my parents are forceong me to depart with my collection, and me being a poor colege student needing money well...
It if was a 6200 or a PB5300 I'd send lighter fluid. If it was that silly iMac that looked like Princess Leia's makeup mirror, I'd send cash. But I'm sure someone here would like that SE. Is it branded as an FDHD?
... 1600 x 1200 pixels? You've got to rez down the image on your page!
So if the vote is for saving the Mac, what do you do with your parents' decree regarding your collection? And surely, if it is a collection there is more than just one machine.
Score of 9 for creativity in fund raising though!
Why don't you offer it to someone here for cost of shipping, like Coius did when his stuff wouldn't sell.
You do have a bit of a logistics problem when it comes to the Mac being 'saved' if you have already stated you must get rid of it.
IMHO, these save-the-whatever shills are the high-tech version of well-off kids begging for change in front of the malls. Ha' ye no pride, man?
If it is to be saved it will be donated to a good will, meanign that it will not be destroyed.
Why precisely should someone pay you for this? It seems you should be paying your neighbors to not report you to the police for burning noxious trash.
I also feel the need to point out that "tryed" is spelled with an "i", but, frankly, someone who claims to be a college student should be aware of that fact. No, wait... I guess you're actually a "colege" student. Never mind.
"Tryed" is spelled with an "i".
Yet again, I feel the need to point out that IT'S JUST A &*#%ING COMPUTER. It's nothing to get emotional about. There are plenty more out there, so it's pointless and stupid to "rescue" old computers.
I couldn't give a rat's @ss about the computer myself. On the other hand I'm really annoyed by panhandling, vandalism, arson, and the improper disposal (burning) of toxic waste.
This poster's a real winner.
Lighten up. You have no idea whether this is serious or not and off you go into your judgmental accusations. First you pick on his spelling and now you're writing up a warrant for the justice department for burning his town down. This is supposed to be fun and all too often people trot out all their paranoid fantasies and bring the level of conversation to the brink of flame. I mean, jeez louise, hit the decaf.
What the hell is wrong with you guys??!! How can you not have a soft spot for all-in-ones; especially SEs. Don't be stupid.
How do you know that this person is not serious? S/he is collecting money with this little venture. So, if s/he is not serious, it's fraud at the very least.
Eudimorphidon does have a point though: Who would pay money to see someone pollute the environment? Not I!
Hell, you can see it for free at the powerplant down the street :).
So far the donations total a whopping $2.50. And that's after having it up all day, and with a post on Gadgetopia.
At least he got the image rezed down so it loads in a decent amount of time!
I would tend to think that there's a difference here. The powerplant down the street doesn't deliberately pollute the environment. Arguably, the powerplant would be providing an essential service and striving to reduce the amount of pullutants emitted by its operation.
S/he's collected $2.50 so far. Granted, not a lot of money and it's money that s/he has been donated on the side of good.
It's sure a good thing people like you don't live near where I live, because I see things happen like burning tires, vinyl, garbage, etc. I've burned plastics myself (deliberately, I didnt want to bring it to the landfill in my car), yes it is nasty but you really think throwing it in the landfill or in the lake or whatever alternate ways of dealing with garbage are cleaner.
Also, maybe we shouldn't "deliberately" drive our cars, because they burn fossil fuels and emit large levels of CO2, NOx, and unburned hydrocarbons.
I also think you need to look up the definitions of arson and vandalism. Arson and vandalism are only arson and vandalism when done to someone else's property. The guy who posted this topic and website comes to my irc channel, and he's shown me pictures of burning different things before. He stays safe in how he does it, for example he runs a garden hose on the pavement where he does the burning / experimenting. (And last time I checked, concrete soaked with water doesn't burn). I've done weird experiments like this before, and only had a couple unpleasant experiences (a grill full of unburned propane exploded in my face, and the sensation of being shocked by 30kV from a TV set isn't exactly fun either). And no, I was not performing these things on pavement with water, so I can see he's doing it a lot safer than I would have done.
The bottom line is, some of you need to lighten up, its just a f***ing computer, and the enjoyment that he gets (and we in irc get) far exceeds the little 'pollution' that is created.
The definitions should be looked up in local laws. You can be charged with arson for buring your own property in some situations. Also, many places have burn laws and almost all have EPA regulations about improper disposal of things like this. If you are worried about the landfill, send it off to a computer recycler. When you dispose of tires, they don't get pyut in the landfill, they get seperated out along with leadacid battereis and appliances and recycled.
Burning for fun is one thing, justifying it by saying you don't want it to end up in a landfill is another, and is naive.
I could say the same thing about detonation a small yield nuke. It sure might be fuin to design and build one, and the overall radioactive release could be minor, but I damn sure don't think I'd get away with it.
Somebody posts what could be a joke and now after 15 posts we're up to low-yield nuclear weapons? Are you people for real? First of all, any multi-computer owner or trader in computers or computer parts who points fingers at someone else regarding pollution concerns is hysterical in the extreme. Damn, the conversations on these boards deteriorate into silliness at such a pretty pace . . .
I think its silly to destroy stuff like that... but if you decide to, I need the blank that is in the top floppy slot... can't find them anywhere. It covers the floppy slot, as I think, these machines (FDHD) were the only SE's that covered the slot with a blank (the others didn't have a top flopy slot, so they either just weren't there, or there was a floppy there)
This machine can make an fine webserver... runs netBSD, Apache... I'd put it to work, not burn it...
Low-yield nukes are for sissies, we need to stick to the nuetron bombs. Decent specs for building your own weapon of mass destruction (ideal for burning small stockpiles of unwanted debris and/or old computers) can be had off of any good Chineese website (note that these sites sourced their info from Los Alamos thanks to Bill Clinton).
You can also find good info on 'Foil'ing your house. I have been gradually lining the garage (all surfaces) with aluminum foil. I find that if I spend a few hours a day in my 'safe' room, it protects my brain from the evil government satelite beams that transmit propaganda into my sub-concious; things like "spelling counts", "polution is bad", "computers are just inanimate objects devoid of emotion", "fire is not a toy", "hammers are not good gifts for angry house-wives", "it is wrong to own an anatomically correct rubber chicken and name it Steve Jobs and use it as a gimp", "only real nut-jobs were underpants and hats made out of aluminum foil ranting about govenrment satelites beams on computer-user forum posts that have nothing to do with the aforementioned", and other evil thoughts that they try to plant in my mind.
Now if you will excuse me, I need to go sit on the couch, listen to Tori Amos, eat some cookie-dough ice cream, and ponder why the neighbors always stare at me like a freak when I go out for the paper wearing nothing but my wife's kimono-robe (the really short one).
Yes, it is cleaner to dump the computer in the landfill than it is to burn it. When a computer is burned, the individual toxins within the machine are broken down and released. Toxic fumes are released into the air and toxic chemicals seep into the ground and contaminate ground water.
Recycle the thing! Part it out and try selling the individual parts or just donate the thing. If you must insist upon destroying the machine, why not take a sledgehammer to it or run it over with your car or drop it from a rooftop or something? You know, something that could be fun but less detrimental to mother nature.
They were not the only ones. I have an SE with a blank in place for the upper. It was not labeled as an FDHD.
How do you webhost off it? Linux?
Folks, ye can't argue with this, the best supporting comment yet, bar none!
Now if that isn't a ringing endorsement for this-sort-of-thing I don't know what is! Please, more, more!!
dan k
I'm not sure about where ever you live, but here in the Pacific Northwest, Goodwill will not take computers and a lot of other electronics. Seems they have been used as a dumping ground and the disposal fees have gotten expensive these days. Our county dump deems them toxic waste and charges $10.00 an item to dispose.
Just give the darn thing away. Thats what I'm doing. I have a bunch of older mac II and powermac stuff and I've had lots of interest and lots of gratitude. It does no one any good sitting there gathering dust (or in your case, smouldering) and someone might actually get excited about some part from within.
I agree. I'd be willing to take it if nobody else would be, and I know that there are other people that would take it.
any small donations would help me...
I've been looking for a job for 2 months now, its been nearly 4 months scince my G4 tower died... i still need 234$ for a new main board.
It is interesting how this thread has received such a variety of passionate opinions. Most of them are quite valid, though I'm not sure whether the 'hysteria' has been in the responses to the initial post, or in the responses to the responses.
BTW, none of that nuke and tin-foil stuff matters, as the killer bees are gonna get all of ya first.:P
Spare some change, mister?
So much for it being a joke.
Sorry, Hyperjer, middle-class live-at-home kids begging for money is (edit: A matter on which I am judgemental).
You're splittling hairs on the wrong end of the dog.
Later . . .
(I trust we are just ribbing each other with no malice)
And no, GoodWill is trying to reduce the number of computers it takes in. Send it to those who will pay shipping costs. If you really want to burn it, just do so and then post pics after the fact.
Take your arguing elsewhere. Thread closed.