Intellikeys Board

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coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 months ago
Joined: Aug 25 2004 - 13:56
Posts: 1975
Intellikeys Board

My mom works at a school that works with deaf and/or handicapped students. She has given me a learning device called intellikeys. This board is used for students and people that have problems using a keyboard and is used for case specific scenarios were a specific skill needs to be taught. This board comes with overlays , mac software , and manuals / guides. Specs are below

2x Floppy disks with drivers and software that include (i think it has this, not sure):
Intellikeys overlay maker. ,

These disk require SSW min. of 6.0.5 or higher.

Board for overlays that uses Universal connector for PS2 / AT/ ADB (includes cable only to adapt to ADB (so it currently is usable on Macintosh)
Board has Riser much like on the underlying of a keyboard to prop the device up to make easier for wheelchair accessibility.

2x User Guides for setup instructions.
2x Access features telling how to use/make overlays. and software installation.

Basic Writing Overlay for intellikeys: has keyboard that goes Alphabetically instead of the QWERTY design and allows people to find letters easie by searching in alphabetical order. Include ESC, Tab, Caps, Backspace, and arrow keys and numbers

Setup Overlay:

has setup config so that you can set various options like: repeat, testpad, XT/AT Cable override. amd ADB settings switching. And touch response rate so people who can't judge pressure and hand movements accurately. Also mouse speed using arrow keys adjustment.

Apple QWERTY overlay: Standard Apple keyboard overlay (much like a laptop and includes the command key) Also has buttons to switch between mouse/keyboard feature

Numerical keypad with directional arrows.

Arrow Overlay: Directional arrows for strict digital pressing mouse movements.

I will give this up for free, just pay the price of shipping. If you throw in $10, the 10 will go to my mom's education fund so she can pay for some supplies (which most of them for her classroom comes out of her own pocket, not the schools) or it will be used for seeds the greenhouse that is attached to the classroom so she can teach horticulture to students.

Thx for veiwing this post.

write me at

dvsjr's picture
Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: Jun 8 2004 - 15:14
Posts: 136
nice post, wondered if you had seen this?

Does your mom need anything technology-related?


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