Opinion of FW/USB2.0 case

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Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
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Opinion of FW/USB2.0 case

I've been in the market for a 5.25/3.5" FW/USB case since I bought a DL DVD burner and a 169GB HDD. I've found that most in store products are quite expensive when you go FW. Online I've found several that seem ok, but at still a tad pricy. The particular case design isn't important, as I might later mod it into a differnt case to support two drives, if one I buy does. It seems I can get a Bytecc case fairly cheap from some places. Monoprice.com for ME-320 black NewEgg sells the samething for over $40. Anybody got a pro/con if they have one, or another very cheap Oxford 911 chipset enclosure/case to recommend?