The $4,995.00 Lisa 1 "Face Plate"

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gsmcten's picture
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: Oct 4 2005 - 18:52
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The $4,995.00 Lisa 1 "Face Plate"

Thats right folks.

Step right up and buy your Lisa 1 FACE PLATE for almost $5,000.00 plus shipping.

Some seller named "Wozniac" out of British Columbia, Canada is selling this Face Plate on eBay. Item 150463218408. It comes in the original Apple Repair Parts box and "also has a glare screen".

Now; over the last 15 years I have seen a lot of peculiar items come up for sale on ebay, including the almost $3,000.00 IIc mint in the box, unused. I know that most of you have seen similar items with insane prices. But in this particular instance, is it a complete Lisa 1 still fresh and mint in the box? No. Is it a complete computer period? No.

It is a Face Plate.

I am just not sure whether this person went off his meds or what.

P.T. Barnum said "There's one born every minute". LMAO Smile

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
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Ebay insertion fees for aucti

Ebay insertion fees for auction listings are free until July 12, so he's got nothing to lose. If you've got nothing else to do, open your closets and throw it all up there at ridiculous starting bids. One catch might make the entire effort worth it. Whatever doesn't sell, or if all of it doesn't sell, just relist it after July 12 at normal starting bids--just takes a couple of clicks. It's all just a game.

gsmcten's picture
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
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Posts: 2629
"Fire Sale"

The almost $5000.00 face plate is back up. It now has a BIN price of $3000.00 and a starting price of $2500.00.

All I can ask is: "What mental institution did this person escape from?" lol

Eudimorphodon's picture
Last seen: 1 month 2 days ago
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The $4,995 one is still there. The $2,500 one is a different auction. (One is in "Canada" the other "Texas". The cheaper one doesn't include the service part packaging so I imagine it's possible it came off a complete Lisa 1, possibly one converted to a Lisa 2.)

Frankly, I can't blame these guys. It doesn't cost much to go looking for a sucker on eBay, so why not try to hit the jackpot? These things have essentially zero practical value, so offering it at a "fair" price to someone needing to repair their original Lisa would be just as silly. (How many of those might there be left in circulation, and how many of them would "need" a new faceplate?)

If you found an original set of factory fenders for a 1936 Duesenberg SSJ Speedster in your garage would you let them go for scrap value, based on the fact that both existing SSJs (the only ones ever completed, actually) have perfectly fine fenders, or would you "optimistically" price them assuming that there's someone out there crazy enough to want them based on the "panache" of owning such a thing even if they don't have the rest of the car? The price is silly, but with the going rate for a working Lisa II seemingly somewhere in the $2000 ballpark it might not be *ludicrous*.

EDIT: I guess thinking about it, perhaps a better analogy might be if you were in possession of a complete set of metalwork for a 1936 Duesy SSJ, missing the chassis, running gear, interior, etc. There's technically no basis for pricing such a thing since neither complete SSJ has been resold for many, many years. A complete, and far more common (481 built instead of *2*) Model J sells for around a million bucks. Thus you *might* by some chain of reasoning come to the conclusion that your SSJ shell might easily be worth, oh five million, since a *complete* SSJ would be worth 240 times what a J sells for. There's a lot of obvious flaws in that chain of thought, but you could sort of justify it in theory.

Of course, the fact that two of those faceplates are on eBay at the same time suggests they're not as rare as either party would want you to think they are.

gsmcten's picture
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: Oct 4 2005 - 18:52
Posts: 2629
The Face Plates.....

Amen. Smile

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