Mandelbrot fractal in ASCII ART for Apple-1 + Applesoft BASIC

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Mandelbrot fractal in ASCII ART for Apple-1 + Applesoft BASIC

Dear friends,

for the series "just for fun"... (and inspired by a video of a friend of mine...)


My intention was to port some Mandelbrot fractal calculus program to Applesoft Basic, as a demo.I found what I was looking for: 40 columns, no graphics, no numbers, with some ASCII ART, so that I could run it on Apple-1 as well.


And since I tried to make it as compatible as possible with other machines as well... et voila: it runs without modification even on the BASIC V2 of the Commodore 64.I believe that it also runs on many other machines --try it yourself!


Anyway, as long as it runs on the C64, why not make a nice and fair side-by-side comparison?For convenience I used an emulated C64 PAL, although it's clock is slightly slower than the NTSC version, however even the NTSC version would not be <NO SPOILER!>


As always, you can find in the video description the links to the project page, sources/credits/etc.


Enjoy!!! :-)


Claudio - P-LAB