A proposition re: TCF

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Last seen: 10 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 1899
A proposition re: TCF

Here's a crazy idea . . .

dankephoto's picture
Last seen: 10 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 1899
this might be fun!

OK 'fritterites, I'll be at the Trenton Computer Festival's huge outdoor computer flea market for two days (16-17 April) and I'll see all kinds of really cool stuff to buy. There's new stuff, old stuff, really old stuff, just about anything related to computing can and may be found.

I may even see something you might want or need. I'm making the generous offer to keep my eyes open for those rare and/or unusual items you've been seeking.

Send me an email with your request(s) and a maximum price you're willing to pay, and I'll add your item(s) to my list. However, I have some conditions.

Conditions - please read before sending your request!

* Anything I do or don't do is entirely up to me and my whims.

* Please don't request more than a few items, I'm not gonna remember anything if there are too many items

* Don't expect anything, serendipity is the watchword of the day. If I find just one item consider yourself lucky.

* Please don't request expensive stuff, I'm not going to lay out $500 for that PowerBook you've been dying to have. Keep it affordable, else I'm quite unlikely to even consider picking it up.

* Don't bother asking for things that can be found in any old computer shoppe. For example, I will not consider looking for a 20GB 3.5" ATA HD, or SDRAM SODIMMs for your iBook. Get the picture? Forget generic type stuff, that's not what this is about.

* I will not reply to your initial email, so don't follow up with a request to see if I got it. Rest assured I'll add your reasonable request to my list.

* If I find something that fits your brief, is priced appropriately and I feel like buying it, and I do buy it, I will contact you after the weekend of TCF 2005. Do not email me, I will email you if I have something for you.

* In the case where two or more folks request the same or similar item and I'm able to only fullfil one request, the earlier request has precedence.

* I will do my best to ensure the price I pay is the lowest possible. If I buy something for you, please be prepared to actually buy it from me. I won't charge you anything beyond my own costs. Please remember you'll have to pay shipping as well, so keep that in mind when you specify an amount you're willing to pay.

* Make your request(s) directly to me at the email address in my sig. Do not make them here on AppleFritter's forums.

Here's a hypothetical example - AF member MTDD is looking for an ethernet nic for a Mac SE, so he requests I add this item to my list, specifying he's willing to spend up to $5.

Let's see how this goes, eh? Might be fun. Biggrin

dan k (hoping this won't be a disaster)

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