DrBunsen's House Of Sparks and Noxious Odours
Submitted by DrBunsen on August 16, 2005 - 3:52am
Here will be detailed ongoing hacks and stuff, including the PizzaPlayer[tm], various G3/6100 projects, rackmounted 1U B&W/G4, compact upgrades inc PCC, programming, Psion 5mx/Ericsson MC218 stuff, anything audio, MIDI, PIC and DSP related, paint and dye experiments, recasings, MacQuaria etc etc etc
Hack on!
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First things first
First things first, I'm building a large (9x12x4) steel shelving bay for storage. Things are no doubt a lot easier to build when you know where all your parts are...
blog first post _IS_ editable
see the tab called "edit".
dan k
For the longest time...
For the longest time, I never noticed that the edit link for first posts was at the top. I was so used to looking for "edit" on the bottom. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only person to have been deceived by the top "edit" tab.
State of Play
Still building shelves...
I'm putting a little plan together for a simple 16 step drum trigger sequencer, either on the Psion using a serial port multiplex IO board, or on a PIC using code from the MIDIbox project at ucapps.de
Drum trigger - puts out a voltage pulse to trigger some analogue drum synth voice boards I have lying around. The voltage will be +5, +10 or +12 depending on what I'm building for.
Idea being a simple-ish (post "Hello World!" stage) exercise in GUI, real-time and control programming, which can be expanded or recycled for other projects in the future.
Basic rundown:
Psion version: GUI of 16 blocks arranged horizontally across the screen. Tapping a block switches it off or on.
PIC version: Interface consists of 16 LEDs and buttons.
Read more
I wish I still had my Amstrad Notepad, that had a parallel port and BBC Basic in ROM...
Some progress
Put out a call to other Psionauts.
Shelves built.
Made backups of my Documents and Systems folder to a 16MB CF card. Transferred those to the Mac via cheap-ass USB multicard reader (OS X only for some reason). Transferred some .sis installers to the Psion and installed them.
Got 512MB CF for Linux. Just need to work out how to make a complete image backup of the C: Drive before I try it.
Gareth's Guide to OPL32 programming
Event-driven framework
Just scored a $12 iMac 233 with a spare motherboard and processor. I'll be wandering around the workshop area with that motherboard soon, waving it at various cases and seeing if I can make it fit.
Oh, and a 9" VGA -colour- CRT, heh heh heh.
Oh, is the neck short enough
Oh, is the neck short enough to fit it in a compact Mac case?
I'll know that when I pick it up.
Old Content
Collating some of my older hack ramblings here.
PizzaPlayer: 6100 based rackmount audio FX unit/sampler/synthesizer
Universal Boot Disk: one disk to rule them all
X11, XPF, MacOnLinux: ideas for a tri-boot *nix/OS X/MacOS dual processor 9500
1400 second battery: left and right batteries in a 1400?
Mac monitor out to PAL/NTSC
6100 cooling and overclocking
Slim keyboard & Display: minimum footprint peripherals for the PizzaPlayer
Duo keyboard to ADB: more of the above
Inverting display: inc link to Pivot software
6500 subwoofer in PCC: with an LCD there might just be room
Old Forums: Index and Search
Re: Oh, is the neck short enough
Damn. No. I haven't decased it yet, but in the existing casing it's about 2" too long. I'm considering making a moulded plastic rear for it, and making it look like some bastard iMac/compact chimera. Or just slicing up another compact case to make a 2" full-height extension at the rear. That would give me more room for the motherboard, power supplies, drives, etc.
Mind you, I haven't put it up against the CC yet
Dug up some useful info online for hacking my Simmons drums, including full schematics for the SDSV and chip data sheets for that and the SDS-8. There's an unimplemented resonance control on pin 10 of the SSM filter chip in the -8: from the schems looks as simple as bypassing one resistor with a pot.
I picked up a pile of voice boards for the V a while back, without the chassis. The chassis supplies a backplane connector to each voice for trigger signals, power and audio out, and routes to a mixer and individual outs. The plan is to rig up a simple PS and trig socket for the connector on one board and get that running, then investigate further mods: starting with replacing the trimpots for the "memory" voices with real pots.
Crazy idea - MIDIbox
Accented triggering from digital pins - accent track triggers a global voltage boost to all pins via a separate pin and a transistor or relay or something.
Better ideas
2 bit DAC using resistor ladder a la AOUT_LC.
8 bit DAC IC.
Some links
Electronic Design on a budget
Python and VOIP on the Nintendo DS
TSlots - modular extruded aluminium construction system
My father in law does the alu
My father in law does the aluminum extrusion stuff. If anyone is interested he can do custom designs. He built a tower for someone at the University of Kansas recently. He's one of the best mailing sorting and folding machine repair techs in the area, too.
Also, he travels a lot for the repairs, so he's through Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, etc. often.
Oh, and if anyone calls their number you're likely to either talk to him or my wife. Say "hi" for me.
Portable 5V power
PSP external battery pack and charger
8 core micro
Parallax Propellor - 8 x 80 MHz 32 bit parallel cores on one cheap microcontroller.
Battery tab spot welding
Battery Soldering - includes building your own spot welder
SD/MMC on WRT54G using floppy connector as card edge connector
Speaker design links
more linkage
Australian Power Assist and E-bike links
massive DIY amp project gallery - pocket tube headphone amps for example. mini power supplies and other stuff
Bike hacks
HDD Tesla turbine
Powerbook keyboard as ADB KB
Well here's a laptop keyboard on a PS/2 controller, so this at least looks possible.
Duo Dock connector pinouts
ok. code tags at the start and end of every line work. Sort of. Multiple spaces are reduced to one. Oh for a Preview button.
Duo Dock connector Pinout from the great pinouts.ru
Of interest:
.1 2 77-79....PR +24V EXT........Raw +24V from AC adapter
.12 29 42.....+5V MAIN OUT.......+5V regulated power
.63...........SERVEE.............-5V for SCC transceivers
.67...........+8V SOUND.........."clean" +8V for sound output
.68/70........+5V MODEM/SOUND....+5V power for modem/sound
122...........+5VEXTSENSE........+5V external sense
.40...........IOCLK..............15.6672 MHz I/O clock
.72...........SND OUT L..........Sound output left
.73...........EXT MIC FILT R.....Right in from ext mic
.74...........EXT MIC FILT L.....Left " " " "
148...........EXT MIC SEL........External microphone plugged in
.83...........ADB DATA...........ADB data
.84........../ADBPWRON............". power-on key
.95...........CPUCLK.............CPU bus clock
114........../SLOT IN............Expansion device plugged in grounds pin
137........../SWIM CS............SWIM chip select
138........../SLOT E IRQ.........Pseudo-NuBus expansion slot E interrupt
139........../PFW................Power fail warning (shutdown bit)
not shown........................guess
..6 16-18 55 60 82 85 136 150
.71..............................Sound output right?
Note: / = Active low
Connector: JAE part number JX20-152BA-D1LTH
... giving the Duo Dock direct access to the microprocessor's 32-bit address bus, 32-bit data bus, and control signals
Thoughts on the above
Wallstreet II VRAM hacks
Japanese mods/text terminal info service
Japanese mods - iMac pinouts woohoo. iMacs in LCs and tiny thin client-like cases, SE/40, shrunken LCs, second SIMM slot on LCs, imitation Cassie/Happy Hacking keyboards. Mind bending Google translation.
StarTTY - turns any text terminal capable device into a configurable online information kiosk/display.
Free samples
Free samples of electronic components, enclosures etc - where to get them and how.
More pinouts
A whole bunch of pinouts including some of the really obscure Apple ones.
Mini-PCI to PCI adapters amon
Mini-PCI to PCI adapters amongst other things from http://www.costronic.com.tw/
iMac DV pinouts
This article at hardmac *claims* it has the complete pinouts and conversions for an iMac DV ATX mod, but I can't get to the last page to find the pdf. Bugger. Archive.org ain't helping either.
I was able to open the last p
I was able to open the last page, and got the .pdfs, and I used the FF "Save Page" feature to create a local copy of the third page. Let me know if you still need them, and I can send them your way.
Variable speed oscillator
The overclocking hacker's best friend - square wave oscillators with variable frequencies.
LTC6903 1kHz-68MHz Serial Port Programmable Oscillator
So that will OC every 68k Mac fairly handily. Imagine a self-clocking Mac, software controlling its own clock via the serial port.
And for anything faster, there's:
LTC6905 17MHz-170MHz Resistor Set Oscillator
Which takes care of anything up to the last series of G4s. Add a pot - dial a frequency!
And those two little magical words - "Request Samples"
Shelving and workbench
The shelving and workbench is complete. Everything is up off the floor and on shelves awaiting sortage. Two bays, one 2.4m high 2.4m long and 0.86m deep, one 3x2.8x0.9. Photos to follow.
Now on the hunt for an oscilloscope and soldering station.
68k/PPC assembly IDE
Don't forget to hunt down that serial in to 12 PWM outs IC.
3D laser object scanner cheap open source
Simple PC Data capture addon for analogue oscilloscopes.
Re: Simmons
Just ordered a +/-15V DC power supply that'll fit in 3U, for the V boards.
A thought: small slider pots on the SDS-8 should fit beside the existing knobs without finger interference.
EV parts inc batteries
approx AU$1/Wh
SCSI hacking
Now this is interesting: this fellow has built himself a SCSI RAM-disk and a SCSI PCMCIA drive from scratch, using AVR microcontrollers. I wonder if this could be a starting point for further SCSI-to-X hacking.
Way Cool
That is so cool. SCSI ramdisk, I could have used one of those on my 6100
C Programming for Microcontrollers
C Book and AVR Butterfly dev board
and check out their USB to protoboard thingy
wireless serial?
Comrades, the Central Committee of the Colour Classic Carnage Project is proud to present the glorious Five Year Plan:
Quadra AV extension
AV Digitizer Options v.1.0b1
Download the file called "Plug-in_Digitizer11.hqx"
Thanks to tmtomh in this thread