Projects I'm wanting to start...

I've recently become a fan of the Color Classic, but have always (well, since 1984) been a fan of the black & white compact Macs. I'd like to do a hack similar to the Mystic or Takky Color Classic, but only on a b&w one.

Why black and white you might ask? That answer is two-fold. First, it is more of a tribute to the innovations that Apple could pack so much technology into such a small package. The Classic/Classic II, while not the epitome of Apple value in a box like the indomitable SE/30, are two of the final iterations of the b&w Macs. Its small logic board footprint set the bar for compactness and completeness that the other Macintoshes were to follow.

Secondly, black and white imagery is, in many respects, the most respected of all of the visual arts. Artists such as Ansel Adams and Paul Politis use the monochromatic oeuvre to deliver the impact of contrasts that many people find much more appealing than the traditional color format which, while more complete, leaves nothing to the imagination.

I often wonder if it would be possible to utilize similar techniques and technologies that make the Color Classic a cult favorite to transform the "Road Apple" Classic into a useful and productive member of computerdom, I feel that I would have contributed some small bit to the vast world of computing.
