
It looks like iTunes support will be added soon but already you can use a program like SizzlingKeys ( to crontrol iTunes during the game with hot keys. You can just turn off the music in Airburst Extreme and control iTunes with hot keys.

Shiny! I just slap something together in the partyshuffle playlist before I launch ABE though. Or I'll just listen the game music. In fact I put it in iTunes, so it might happen that I listen to airburst music in itunes in airburst.

And here I am stuck with my crappy workarounds...

1) Choose the music you want, and place it in the audio folder with the same name as one of the files originally in there. Make sure to delete the original or at least move it to another folder.

2) Delete the Scripts folder and leave iTunes running in the background. Use an app like Synergy or something to control it with hotkeys.

3) Alternatively, wait. As has been pointed out, iTunes support is supposedly on it's way.