Oi Ref! Some mistake surely!

In two player Football matches, player 1 seems to be able to control player 2's strikers.


Worth looking into?

Definitely Smile odd though, as it didn't occur in our 2 player tests. Any unusual situation ?

I get the same thing trying to play the frog game. I can control myself and the one under me. I two player mode I even get to control three players. When playing a game of frogs in story mode, everything seems fine
Football works fine in my copy of the game.

EDIT: Ok, and it's in team level's too, so I guess it's a team bug. :?

No particularly unusual situation, other than there being someone other than me playing...

yup. I've been able to recreate it here and it's entirely my fault (serves me right for adding in a last minute tweak before release!).

Fortunately it's an easy fix. I've been going through the post release bug list and zapping them all for the update. I've also added in the suggested 'little bit of extreme power for thrust' suggestion and I'm adding monitor refresh rate options to the graphics setup.

Ah, good. Someone noticed this then. Player one controls everyone...
I was wondering if there would be some way to choose what team you're on. I'd want to play with a friend rather than aghainst them sometimes.
Something that really annoys me is that theres a really cheap way to win football... You just boost at the beggining and rush at the opponent, and if you get ahold of the ball, you can just hold on to it and realease it through the other goalie, and score in one go. I feel like goalies shouldn't be able to move past the middle, but I don't know how hard this would be to change...

because the ball gets released when you use thrust, this trick doesn't always work Wink If you want a harder game of Football btw. try playing it in Mini mode once we've released the updater that fixes the bug with Mini mode in Football Biggrin