A Musical Glitch

One annoying thing I've found with the game so far is that no matter what the game type, what the level, and what the original music played is, after you win one game, the music for the next level ALWAYS changes to Pop Pop Pop T-Racks, and NEVER changes to anything else.

I happen to not be overly keen on this particular tune. It's OK and all, but I just don't like it.

I remember reading about a plan to have some sort of choose-your-music feature. Personally, I think this would have been great, even if I'd only use it to get rid of Pop Pop Pop.

Actually, I wouldn't have minded if the tune always reset to a random one each game, but Pop Pop Pop got annoying very quickly, especially during the Demo... I'm seriously tempted to delete Pop Pop Pop and replace it with a copy of Fire renamed with Pop Pop Pop. I know that works - I did it in the demo.

that counts as a bug Smile I'll put it on the list for the first update. In theory, alll the levels are supposed to start with a different sequence of tracks, so one track getting triggered all the time isn't good.

We actually coded in an option to use a playlist in iTunes as an option instead of the in-game music, but the applescripts used to trigger it caused a couple of problems and we had to leave the option out for this version. We are however going to be integrating the iTunes support from Big Bang Chess at some point in the near future Smile

I had a different problem with the music. I foundthe music starts early when you have something running in the background that slows down the computer. I think I was burnng a DVD in the background. The music started at the end of the blue screen that says the name of the game and I don't think it macthed up with the 1, 2, 3 countdown. The music is fine when I don't have anything slowing down the computer. I found this using the demo. I'm still waiting for the full version to come through the mail.

considering the hit that DVD writing has on the system, it's not surprising that any game playing at the same time will be badly hit by it. The recomendation for Airburst Extreme (or any full screen game for that matter) is that you shouldn't be running anything in the background while playing. If you do run CPU or disk intensive apps in the background, you're effectively playing on a much slower Mac.