Are there any Apple /// newsletters or magazines?
There is really only one publication that still has articles most
every other month - the WAP Journal. It's available only to WAP
members. However, ALL Apple /// articles for the last 10 years are on
disk and available to all. Call or write to the WAP office for more
details and costs.
On Three also published an excellent magazine that came out for
years. It provided a wide range of reviews (usually of its own
products), beginners tutorials and a letters section. Back issues and
"Disk of the Month" disks available from Joe Consorti (see
You might also want to check out the WAP /// SIG PD Library, which
has on disk the entire set of newsletters from ATUNC - The Apple ///
Users of Northern California (3INF-06 through 11). There are also
disks with information from TAU - the Third Apple Users Group of
Wheaton, Illinois (3INF-05) and many more.
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