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Last seen: 1 hour 49 min ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 594

I’ve used the PCD-50B card reader with Apple IIs. I got mine when they were inexpensive but now the price has skyrocketed. It has 5 card slots but the only card slot that any Apple II SCSI cards can see is the PCMIA slot.

I was browsing Craigslist and saw a PCD-47B card reader for next to nothing. It has 3 card slots but I was hoping that at least the PCMCIA slot would work with Apple IIs.

Tried it with a Hi-Speed SCSI card and both the PCMIA and CF slots not only work but work at the same time. The third slot is a Smart Media slot but I don’t have any of that media to try.

On the Ramfast SCSI card I ran into a  problem. I can only get it to work if only the PCMIA slot is active.

On the PCD-47B all 3 card slots have a separate SCSI id but you can’t set them individually. There’s settings which gives you a few id combinations and a setting for only the SM and PCMIA cards as well as just the PCMIA card.

I think it’s unlikely but I can’t help wondering if having a SM card installed would allow the Ramfast to work.